The 14th Agricultural Science Congress was organized by the National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS) and ICAR - Indian Agricultural Research Institute from February 20-23, 2019 in the premises of the NAAS, Complex in New Delhi.
Innovations for Agricultural Transformations was the timely theme of the Congress. The congress was attended by 1736 delegates including 506 students. Forty-three delegates from 17 countries including USA, UK, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Columbia, Denmark, Ethiopia, France, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Kenya participated in the Congress.
Besides participation from 46 ICAR institutes, state agricultural universities, several central research institutes, International organizations such as IRRI, CIMMYT, ICRISAT, IFPRI, ILRI, CIAT, BISA, ACIAR, University of Queensland, University of Tennessee, World Bank, University of Manitoba, University of Adelaide, University of Sidney, University of Catania, Massey University and many other attended the Congress.

There were six plenary sessions and four-panel discussions by eminent speakers covering all major themes of the Congress. There was a separate Students Elocution Contest attended by the students of 11 different universities.
Some of the lead speakers in the Congress included international experts such as Dr W H Pfeiffer, Dr Lee Hickey, Prof. John Dixon, Prof. GS Howarth, Dr Danielle Carrier, Prof. Michael Blumel, Dr Rajeev Varshney and many stalwarts of Indian Agriculture.
ASC India Expo 2019, an exhibition was organized as a part of this Congress with participation from 123 exhibitors from ICAR, SAUs, state Governments and national, state and private sector organizations.
The valedictory function was chaired by Prof. Panjab Singh, President, NAAS, New Delhi, Prof. K Vijayraghavan, Principal Scientific Adviser, Government of India, was the Chief Guest of the Day.
Dr A K Singh, Chairman, Organizing Committee, XIV ASC2019, and Director, IARI formally welcomed the Chief Guest. Dr R B Singh, Chairman Scientific Programme Committee, XIV ASC 2019 & Founder-President, NAAS, New Delhi presented the recommendation of the XIV Agricultural Science Congress.
Awards for the Best Poster Presentation (22No.), Best Exhibitors (15 No.) and Winners of the Students Elocution Contest (2 No.) were presented by the Chief Guest. Dr Ashok Kumar Singh, Organizing Secretary, XIV ASC 2019 and the Joint Director (Research), IARI, New Delhi presented formal vote of thanks.