India’s prestigious agricultural institution ICAR (Indian Council for Agricultural Research) and NBAIR (National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources) has invited application for the post of Research Associate, Senior Research Fellow for the year 2020. The Qualified candidates may appear for the walk-in-interview on 18th August 2020 at 11:00 AM and their complete bio-data in the Application format furnished in pages 3-4.
Check out all of the important details bellow:
Post I
Job Name: Research Associate
No. of Posts: 01
Name of the Project: “Identification and validation of new approaches for the management of whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)”
Post II
Job Name: Senior Research Fellow
No. of Posts: 01
Name of the Project: “Network Project on Agricultural Bioinformatics and Computational Biology”
Terms & Conditions:
Maximum age limit for SRF: The age should be maximum 35 years for male and 40
years for female and age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC is applicable as per Govt. of
India/ICAR rules.
Age Limit for RA: 40 years for men and 45 years for female and age relaxation for
SC/ST/OBC is applicable as per Govt. of India/ICAR rules.
Applicants with minimum eligibility alone need to send application/appear for the interview.
The applicant must submit attested copies of certificates along with application and a brief of research work done vis-a-vis publications in peer-reviewed journals during post graduation’s & present employment and two passport size photographs. Applicant must bring with them original documents at the time of interview for verification. Those who wish to apply for both the posts (RA&SRF) should send separate application form for the respective post.
All eligible candidates are requested to be present 30 minutes before the scheduled time on the date of interview for necessaries formalities.
No objection certificate from the employer/ University, in case he/ she is in employment elsewhere.
The selected candidates shall not claim for regular appointments at this Institute as the fellowship/post is purely temporary and co-terminus with respective Project/Schemes.
The initial appointment is up to 31.03.2021 or till the closure of the project whichever is earlier and the continuation of the SRF/RA will depend upon the progress reviewed every six months by the Principal Investigator.
No TA/DA will be paid to attend the interview. The interview will be held on 18th August
2020 at ICAR-NBAIR, Hebbal, Bangalore – 560024 at 11:00 AM and 19th August 2020 via VC.
Any other clarifications can be had on the date of interview.
The decision of the Competent Authority will be final and binding in all respects.
Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate
Place of posting will be ICAR-NBAIR, Bangalore.
MS word version of the application format can also be obtained from website www.nbair.res.in.

Important Notes:
Do not send your original certificates along with the application.
Should have the proof for experience and publications (Front page of publications).
No call letters will be issued. Applicants are expected to be present at the interview venue on the said date and time and half an hour before the scheduled time.
Late arrival (After 10:30 AM) of applicants for the interview will be considered as ABSENT.
How to Apply:
The Qualified candidates may appear for the walk-in-interview on 18th August 2020 at 11:00 AM and their complete bio-data in the Application format furnished in pages 3-4. Those candidates, who want to send an advance copy of this application, can send it in the address provided below on or before 12th August 2020.
Those who are staying outside Bangalore and not able to attend the interview in person, can send the application through Email (tvenkat12@gmail.com; venkatesan.t@icar.gov.in) only to the following address and the shortlisted candidates may be called for an interview through “Video Conference” on 19/08/2020 and a link will be sent via E-mail The same may be communicated to all the interview committee members and for the advertisement.
Contact person:
Dr. T. Venkatesan,
Principal Scientist & Principal Investigator
ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources,
Post Bag No. 2491, H. A. Farm Post,
Bellary Road, Hebbal, Bangalore – 560 024
For Post I
Emoluments (Fixed) per month: Rs. 54,000 plus 24 percent HRA
Essential Qualification:
PhD in Molecular Biology/Biotechnology/Bioinformatics.
Master’s degree in the relevant subject with 4 years / 5 years of Bachelor’s degree having 1st division or 60% marks or equivalent overall grade point average, with at least two years of research experience as evidenced from Fellowship/ Associateship/Training/ other engagements as circulated vide F.No. 2-9/2012-HRD dated 25.04.2014