To boost India’s agriculture scenario and farmer’s income, the centre has been initiating different schemes within the grass-root level amid the COVID-19 crisis. In this series, Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Department of Haryana Government has launched many agricultural schemes for the farmers. To provide agriculture equipment’s in minimum price, the state government has resumed Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanisation (SMAM) which was launched during the 2019-20 budget to give selected agricultural equipment at the lowest price to the farmers. Although many agricultural schemes are not fully operated due to the current lockdown crisis, the government assured to fulfill every need and plight of the farmer.
Subsidy of ₹34.44 crores for the purchase of 1,588 implements under SMAM Scheme
As per the recent report, the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Haryana has resumed the process of providing agricultural implements on subsidy. Deputy Director of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Department, Dr. Surendra Singh said that the farmers who had applied online till 29 February 2020 can avail the benefit of the said scheme. As per the officials in the state agriculture department, the SMAM scheme was introduced in February this year with the aim of promoting agricultural mechanisation and encouraging farmers to end stubble burning. A total subsidy of ₹34.44 crore for the purchase of 1,588 implements was allocated by the government.

Moreover, Dr. Surendra Singh said that 2879 applicants had applied in Jind district till February 29 under the Samam Scheme. Applications have been accepted for all types of agricultural implements except the subsidy for laser level machines. The total number of eligible applicants at present is 2087, says official reports.
How to Get the Benefit from SMAM Scheme?
The official of the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare said that all the applicants will have to check the necessary documents as per the date and time fixed at the block level. After which subsidy certificates will be given to 50 farmers every day. After which the registered mobile number message of the farmers will be sent.
Important Documents of SMAM Scheme
After receiving the information, proper documents such as a valid RC of 35 HP or more tractors which are registered in the district, a copy of the land on which the Lekhpal's report is put, bank account, Aadhaar card, PAN card, Voter card and Scheduled Caste certificate (if from SC) will have to be brought along.
Grants will be Available on These Agricultural machinery
Grants are available in these agricultural implements. Harek, sorb master/slasher, reaper binder, cutter seed drill, laser land leveller, pneumatic planter, tractor driven sprayer, DSR machine, paddy transplanter, post holldigger, fertilizer broadcaster machine, tractor, power weeders, mobile shredders, rotavators and maize / rice dryers etc.In view of the danger of Kovid-19 virus, the Agriculture Department has requested the farmers to not come to the office without giving any early message. However, if the farmers need to come to the office, they must maintain social distancing and necessary safety measures.