In India, groundnut is one of the most important oilseed crops and occupies an area of 5 mha with production and productivity of 8.26 m tonnes and 1411 kg/ha.
India is having 2nd Largest cultivable area but the lowest in Productivity clearly indicates GAP and scope for improvement in Cultivation practices, Nutrition, and Crop Protection techniques/adoption of new Innovative products.
Groundnuts are a common source of food that is either consumed as peanut butter, crushed and used to make groundnut oil, or just eaten as a crunchy treat.
In India, groundnut is mainly grown in during Kharif, Rabi, and Summer seasons.
Kharif groundnut: June to November mostly in the states of Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh.
Rabi groundnut: November to April mostly in central, eastern, and southern parts of the country. It is mostly grown in rice fallow situations under residual moisture conditions or with limited irrigation facilities and in riverbed fields of Orissa, Assam, and West Bengal.
Summer Groundnut: January to May/June as summer crop mostly in Gujarat, Maharashtra, and some parts of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, TamilNadu and Rajasthan.

Nitrogen (N) is applied in two equal doses, the first before sowing and the second 30 days afterward. It is beneficial to apply a Rhizobium culture as a seed treatment to promote nodulation and nitrogen-fixing. Gypsum applied at a rate of 500 kg per hectare at the pegging stage will enhance pod formation

Coragen at the Flowering initiation stage will help the crop establish higher yields.
Crop Establishment- Crop canopy, Plant Vigour, and more photosynthesis.
More Flower retention
Number of pods per plant