Growing strawberries can be really fun because they are one of the easiest fruit to grow. They taste amazing when they are grown at home as they are more flavorful than the ones you’ll find in a grocery store because the sugar in berries converts to starch soon after they are picked.
Strawberries are very easy to grow in almost all climates and soils, as long as you plant them in a location that gets full sunlight. The best thing is that it can be easily grown in your kitchen garden.
They are of three types:
June-bearing varieties: These bear fruit all at once (usually in 3 weeks). These varieties are day-length sensitive, which produce buds in the autumn, flowers and fruits in the following June, and runners during the long days of summer. Even though they are called June-bearers, these plants bear fruit earlier than June in warmer climates.
Ever-bearing varieties: They produce a big crop in spring, lightly in summer, and then bear another crop in late summer/fall. They form buds during the long days of summer and the short days of autumn. The summer-formed buds flower and fruit in autumn. The buds formed in autumn bear fruit in the following spring.
Day-neutral varieties: They produce fruit continuously through the season, until the first frost. They are insensitive to day length. These varieties produce buds, fruits, and runners continuously if the temperature remains between 35 degrees to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (1 to 30 degrees Celsius). But, the production is less than that of June-bearers.
Growing strawberries at Home
Quick steps;
Provide adequate space for sprawling.
Plants should be set at least 18 inches apart for runners and 4 feet between the rows.
Make planting holes deep and wide to accommodate the entire root system without bending it, but don’t plant too deep.
It is planted in a way such that the roots should be covered, but the crown should be right at the soil surface.
It is important not to bury the crown (central growing bud) of the plant or it will rot.
The leaves, flowers, fruits must be exposed to sunlight and fresh air.
Water the plant well, at the time of planting, to settle its root into the soil.
Do you know that it is possible to grow strawberries from last year’s runners?
Strawberry beds should be well mulched to reduce the water needs and weed invasion.
Any type of mulch like- black plastic, shredded leaves, pine straw will keep the soil moist and the plants clean.
Weed by hand, especially in the initial months.
Water adequately as due to their shallow roots, moisture is very important, strawberry plants need a lot of water.
Fertilize with all-purpose granules for strong growth.
Berries ripen after 30 days after blossoms are fertilized in warm weather.
Eliminate runner plants as needed.
The first and second generations produce high yields and keep the daughter plant at 10 inches apart.