Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar stated on Sunday that Himachal Pradesh is the country's leading natural farming state and that it is motivating other states to follow similarly.
Arlekar said farmers from Himachal Pradesh could represent the country in the natural farming system while speaking at a workshop on Natural Farming Youth Entrepreneur under Prakritik Kheti Khushal Kisan Yojana in Kangra.
Natural farming is gaining popularity throughout the country, and people are becoming more aware of it said the governor. Natural farming does not use chemical or organic fertilizers on the soil. In reality, no additional nutrients are put into the soil or given to the plants. Natural farming encourages the breakdown of organic matter by microorganisms and earthworms right on the soil surface, gradually adding nutrients to the soil over time.
"In the state, almost 1.68 lakh farmers practice natural farming, and there is a need to raise this number," he added, referring to them as "karma yogis."
He added that he learned about the natural farming technique today from young farm entrepreneurs.
In Himachal, natural farming is being practiced on roughly 45,000 acres of land, and young farm entrepreneurs could play a major part in this.
He emphasized that everyone should embrace this farming practice for the sake of the safety of future generations and that natural farming would only succeed with the experience of the people.
He also went to the exhibits set up by Atma Project by the Agriculture Department. The exhibition included natural products and the components employed in this type of natural farming, which aroused the Governor's interest.
Later, the Governor paid a visit to Ghurkari Panchayat and Anita Devi and Sulochana Devi's fields, where they practice natural farming. The Governor praised their commitment and stated that their efforts were a true source of motivation for others.