Abu Bakr Siddiqui, Agriculture Secretary of Bihar gave orders to all the banks on Monday to ensure that farmers who are engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry, milk production, or fish production receive the benefits of the Kisan Credit Card (KCC).
He also instructed to verify the beneficiaries of the PM Kisan Yojana under this.
Siddiqui was giving instructions to the senior officials of NABARD and various banks in the second meeting of the Sub-Committee on Agriculture and Allied Activities of the State Level Bankers Committee in the Nepal House auditorium.
Guidelines regarding drought will be discussed in the second meeting of the State Level Bankers Committee under the chairmanship of Agriculture Secretary, 2022-23, who expressed anger over the carelessness of banks.
During the meeting, the Jharkhand Agriculture Loan Waiver Scheme was also discussed. Siddiqui asked that the bank's executives to review their branch-wise plan at the district level and issue certificates to farmers who are participating in the State Government's scheme.
"The forgiven loans have already been forgiven. The beneficiary of the Agriculture Infrastructure Fund filed a plan proposal, which was reviewed and approved by the PMU of the Government of India, although the bank has not provided loans to the beneficiaries yet, the departmental secretary expressed displeasure. He said that Jharkhand's newly constituted FPOs be granted fertilizer licenses.
The Secretary expressed disappointment that the term loans provided to farmers other than KCC were not in line with the target. The Secretary of the Department added that some banks' performance in the first quarter is not satisfactory; they should achieve a 100% goal in the coming time.
The meeting was attended by the Director of Agriculture Nesha Oraon, Special Secretary Pradeep Hazare, officials at the Directorate level, the CGM of NABARD, and senior officials of various banks.