Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has taken measures to link over 25 million farmers with the Kisan Credit Card (KCC scheme). The aim of this scheme is to double the farmers’ income. Central government is continuously working to increase the farmers’ income and provide them all the possible benefits, and Yogi government is also working for the same in the state.
KCC can Benefit Farmers in Many Ways
The most effective solution to resolve the ongoing capital crisis in the agricultural sector is to link the farmers with the Kisan Credit Card scheme. It will directly impact the production of crops and also the sale of crops.
KCC scheme provides many benefits to the farmers including loans at subsidized rates for seeds, irrigation purpose, crop production, land preparation, fertilizers, and other requirements.
Swaminathan Committee Report:
As per the recommendation of the Swaminathan Committee report, the government has spent 64,000 crore rupees on MSP (Minimum Support Price) related to crop expenditure, expansion of crops included in MSP, transparent process of procurement of crops and payment to farmers in their accounts within 72 hours.
As a benefit of Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi, around 2.42 farmers have received 27,101 crore rupees, and most of the beneficiaries are farmers from Uttar Pradesh.
As per the sources, an official statement said that the Yogi government had taken effective measures to help the farmers overcome issues like shortage of cash before harvest season by providing them monetary aid through the KCC. And as a result, the farmers of the state are flourishing by getting appropriate prices for their produce.
Government’s Target:
Yogi government had waived loans of around 36,359 crore rupees of the farmers in its first cabinet meeting, with an objective to relieve farmers from the financial crisis. Since then, the government is continuously working to improve the conditions of the farmers in the state.
Presently, the state government has covered around 2 crore farmers with KCCs. And now, the government’s initiative is to link 2.5 crore farmers with KCC. It will boost farmers’ income in the state and also reduce the agricultural crisis to a great extent.