Biologicals are here to stay says Ms. Sandeepa Kanitkar, Founder and CMD of Kan Biosys, Pune. Sandeepa was presenting her paper at the 14th International Crop Science Conference & Exhibition (ICSCE), Gurgaon. The exhibition is India’s biggest and most exclusive event on Agri inputs and is organized by the Pesticides Manufacturers and Formulators Association of India (PMFAI) and will conclude on 15th November 2019. Compromising profits, less and below average yields, deteriorating soil health and quality, increased use of fertilizers and pesticides are all issues which the farmers face. On the other hand the consumers face food safety issues. At present we give more importance to food safety issues as more and more diseases are on the loom now.
This is the present Scenario wherein more importance is been given to Biologicals, taking the aspect of food safety into account. Biologicals can offer multifarious benefits like building soil structure by helping sequester carbon, add to fertility in terms of nutrients and promote plant growth. Microbials can also be used along pesticides under extreme care and efficiently when in extreme need. Microbials also has unleashed new and huge opportunities to deliver solutions for existing problems in the field of Agriculture. Next decade will belong to them provided the speed is matched by time bound regulatory amenability.

With a team of 200 plus, Kan Biosys is in the forefront of innovation and was the first company to have invented liquid microbial inoculants which spurred the market interest and attention of microbials way back in 1993. There were many bio-products from Kan Biosys namely Nemastin (Bio-Nematicide for management of Nematode Infection), Brigade-B(BioInsecticide for Management of Thrips and Borers), Sudo(BioFungicide for Management of Wilts, Rots, Damping off and Leaf Spots).
Kan Biosys is eager to engage in fruitful partnerships for furthering the cause of microbials and become a formidable player in the coming decade.