The Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying under the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying has invited online applications from farmers for National Gopal Ratna Awards 2022. The awards will be conferred on the occasion of National Milk Day (26th Nov 2022).
Farmers who are interested can apply online through the National Award official website. The last date to submit applications is 15 September 2022.
The Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying is making all efforts for the effective development of the Animal Husbandry and Dairy sector to provide sustainable livelihood to the farmers. Indigenous bovine breeds of India are robust and have the genetic potential to play an important role in the national economy. With an aim to conserve and develop indigenous bovine breeds in a scientific manner, the government launched “Rashtriya Gokul Mission (RGM)” in December 2014.
Under the RGM, with an objective to encourage milk-producing farmers, individuals working in this sector, and Dairy cooperative societies that provide market access to the milk producers, the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying will continue to present the National Gopal Ratna Award 2022 in the following categories:
Best Dairy farmer rearing indigenous cattle/buffalo breeds
Best Artificial Insemination Technician (AIT)
Best Dairy Cooperative Society/ Milk producer Company/ Dairy Farmer Producer Organisation
The National Gopal Ratna Award consists of a Certificate of merit, a memento, and an amount in each category as mentioned below:
1st rank- Rs. 5,00,000
2nd rank - Rs. 3,00,000
3rd rank - Rs. 2,00,000
Eligibility for National Gopal Ratna Awards 2022
Farmers rearing any of the recognized indigenous breeds out of 5breedsed of cattle & 17 breeds of buffaloes is eligible to apply for the award.
AI technicians of the State or UT Livestock Development Board/State /Milk Federations /NGO's & other private organizations who have undergone AI training for a minimum of 90 days can also apply for the award.
A Cooperative society/Milk Producer Company or Farmer Producer Organization engaged in Dairy activities at the village level and is registered under the Cooperative Act or Companies Act collecting 100 litres of milk/day & having at least 50 farmer members/milk producer members.
For more details visit the official website of the government - https://awards.gov.in/