Sowing progress has been quite satisfactory till last week except in the state of MP. The Soybean Processors Association of India (SOPA) now anticipates a crop damage of 10-12% on account of heavy rains in Madhya Pradesh (MP). This estimate is based on a survey undertaken by the industry body in the rain-affected areas of the state. As per the SOPA, the most affected districts are Indore, Dewas, Ujjain, Dhar, Sehore, Harda, Shajapur, Mandsaur and Neemach. Minor damage is reported from other regions of MP as well.
The Soybean Processors Association of India (SOPA) reported that area planted in MP toll now has reached 58.3 lakh hectares in Madhya Pradesh this Kharif season, which is up 12% over last year’s area of 51.95 lakh hectare. Damage is attributed mainly because of very heavy rains and wide scale temperature fluctuations. These conditions are lucrative for insects like Rhizoctonia aerial blight (RAB) and anthracnose (pod blight), to infect the soybean crop. Some damage is attributed from stemfly attack as well. Rhizoctonia aerial blight (RAB), caused by the fungus Thanatephorus cucumeris. On the other hand, Anthracnose stem blight is caused by the fungus Colletotrichum truncatum, and is generally a late season disease prevalent on maturing soybeans.
The early sown crop is the most affected presently and damage percentage is most in case of varieties such as JS-9560, JS2029, JS-9305 and some non-notified local varieties. There is no widespread attack of yellow mosaic virus, and only few regions are affected as per reports. Under given scenario farmers should take preventive measures so as to minimize the yield loss.