Poor weather in Europe and Africa has resulted in a shortage of some fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes, in the UK. Several social media users have recently posted photos of empty supermarket shelves as shown above.
They are more concerned about the disruption in tomato supply, which is an important ingredient in many dishes. There was warm weather, which affected crop yields, followed by a cold snap, which resulted in longer growth times.
"Supermarkets are adept at managing supply chain issues and collaborating with farmers to ensure that customers have access to a diverse range of fresh produce," said Andrew Opie, director of food and sustainability at the British Retail Consortium (BRC), which represents the major supermarket groups
Not only are tomatoes scarce, but cucumbers and peppers are also scarce, according to the Heritage Fine Food Company, a wholesaler that supplies restaurants, cafes, and schools.
Last year, grocery stores in the United Kingdom experienced supply chain disruptions as a result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but availability was much improved in the run-up to Christmas, with the exception of eggs, according to Reuters.
In the winter, Britain typically imports around 90% of crops such as cucumbers and tomatoes, but in the summer, it is nearly self-sufficient.