Have you tried the popular hybrid varieties of cucumber developed by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute [IARI]?
Hybrid name:Cucumber Pusa Long Green (DC-83)
Developers’ names:IARI scientists Dr. AD Munshi, Dr. TK Behera, Dr. Amish K Sureja, Dr. Jogendra Singh, and Dr. BS Tomar developed this variety in November 2019.
Method of development: They have used individual plant selection methods for development.
Recommended areas: Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Jharkhand
Sowing time: Suitable for spring-summer and Kharif season
It is light green in color with light whitish green stripes and brownish-green blotchy spots are there near the stem at the end of the fruit.
It is 15-18 cm long, non-hairy, soft skin, crispy and tender flesh.
It will be ready for harvesting in 45-50 days and 50-55 days after sowing during Kharif and spring-summer season.
The average fruit weight is 150-160 grams
Average yield: 18.93 t/ha
Hybrid name:Pusa seedless Cucumber
Developers’ names: IARI scientists Dr. AD Munshi, Dr. TK Behera, Dr. Amish K Sureja, Dr. Balraj Singh, Dr. Jogendra Singh, and Dr. BS Tomar developed the new cucumber variety in 2019.
Method of Development: Individual plant selection from segregating generation by breaking F1 hybrid.
Recommended areas: Delhi NCR.
Sowing time: suitable for protected cultivation during winter season [off-season, November – March]
- It takes 40-45 days for the first fruit harvest, Improved variety of pathenocarpicgynoeciouscucumber.
- Fruits are uniform in shape, dark green, glossy, cylindrical, straight, slightly ribbed, non-hairy, non-warty, slightly striped at the blossom end, and has tender skin and crispy flesh.

Hybrid Name: Straight Eight Cucumber
Developers’ names: IARI scientists Dr. AD Munshi, Dr. TK Behera, Dr. Amish K Sureja, Dr. Balraj Singh, Dr. Jogendra Singh, and Dr. BS tomardeveloped this variety, which originated in America.
Method of Development:The pollination method
Recommended areas: Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh
Sowing time: Suitable for spring-summer season
As the name suggests, you will find the cucumber size of 8 inches, perfectly straight, dark green.
Slicing cucumber was awarded for its high quality, flavor, and deep color in the US; that’s the reason our IARI scientist has developed this hybrid and gained popularity in a short period.
It matures in 70-75 days, with plant spacing required of 36-48 inches apart.
Hybrid Name: Pusa Uday Cucumber
Developers’ names: IARI scientists Dr. AD Munshi, Dr. TK Behera, Dr. Amish K Sureja, Dr. Balraj Singh, Dr. Jogendra Singh, and Dr. BS Tomardeveloped this variety in 2004.
Method of Development: Individual plant selection
Recommended areas: Delhi NCR
Sowing time: Summer season
Fruit size is medium [13-15 cm long].
Light green in color with white green stripes originated from the blossom end and extended up to one-third of the fruit length.
Straight, soft, and non- prickled.
Maturity time is 48-52 days.
The average yield is 15.6 t/ha.
If you want to grow cucumber at home or on your farm, you can connect with IARI. They will give you seeds and update you on the sowing method and how to and make this available in the market.