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Amara Beans are the best to grow during July and August; Know how you can yield more from this Crop

Amara is a crop rich in meat and fibre. It is also a nutritious food rich in vitamins and minerals and is very good for digestion and health. It is a protein food that people with gluten allergies can trust. Amara is a homegrown crop which is also known as Amarapayar and Lablab. There are spreading varieties and shrub growing varieties.

Aiswarya R Nair
Amara beans
Amara Beans Cultivation

Amara is a crop rich in meat and fibre. It is also a nutritious food rich in vitamins and minerals and is very good for digestion and health. It is a protein food that people with gluten allergies can trust.

Amara is a homegrown crop which is also known as Amarapayar and Lablab. There are spreading varieties and shrub growing varieties.

How to plant Amara Beans

Shrubs should be planted in beds. The rows should be one and a half meters long and the plants should be three and a half meters long. Three seedlings can be planted in a basin. These can be propagated as pandals or converted into an organic wall. It is better to plant shrubs for money. The spacing between rows should be 60 cm and between plants 15 cm.

After ploughing, add organic manure or compost as base manure. Additionally, 16 kg of compost verman added to 1200 g of rock phosphate and 400 g of ash. Apply basal manure at intervals of 14 days after planting. Panchagavyam or Vermiwasho can be sprayed every two weeks to accelerate growth. The pruning of extra shoots helps in flowering and fruiting. Amara flowers and bears fruit in November. It can be harvested two or three times a week.

Insects that attack Amaranth Beans

Leafhoppers, aphids, whiteflies, leafhoppers, leaf curl moths and nematodes are the main pests of Amarapayar. Neem based insecticide Neemasal can control more pests to a certain extent. Spraying of 1 per cent strength neem at a rate of 2 ml/liter will reduce aphid infestation. It is also good to mix the extract of wormwood leaf with soap and dilute it. Proper weeding and spraying of neem seeds help in repelling the pests. Diluting and spraying a mixture of cow urine, chilli and lentils will kill the nematode worms. You can also add neem cake at the rate of one cent per kg.

The use of neem-based pesticides and the addition of neem cake as fertilizer control pests and diseases to some extent. It is also advisable to use Trichoderma rich manure.

Spraying of one per cent Bordeaux mixture is effective in controlling fungal diseases. Bordeaux mixture is very effective in controlling white spot and viral diseases.

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