China Aster (Callistephus chinensis) is an annual flowering plant that belongs to the family Asteraceae. It is a commercially important crop. It is valued for its vibrant blooms and versatile uses. This crop is widely grown in India and it is used for loose flowers, cut flowers, landscaping, floral decorations, garland-making, and bedding purposes. It is particularly popular among small and marginal farmers due to its ease of cultivation under open conditions. The main growing states are Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, and Maharashtra.
Traditionally, farmers have relied on local varieties of China aster to meet market demands. The limitation for the farmers was the lack of early-flowering and high-yielding varieties. To address this, the Arka Aadya and Arka Archana varieties have been developed. It was developed through individual plant selection and new opportunities for improved cultivation.
Arka Aadya
Arka Aadya is an early-flowering and high-yielding variety. It is developed from open-pollinated seeds of Line No. 173 through individual plant selection. This variety starts flowering at 66 days. It produces an average loose flower yield of 178.56 grams per plant. The plants are spreading and grow to a height of 50.62 cm.
They are floriferous in nature. They produce an average of 71.89 flowers per plant. The flowers are pink in color which belongs to the RHS 62. A Red Purple Group. The flowers are semi-double. They have 5-6 rows of ray florets with a diameter of 5.48 cm. Arka Aadya has an extended period of blooming of 16 days.
It has a higher shelf life of 4.28 days. The variety is tolerant of lodging in the field. There is also no further staking is needed for this variety. It can be used in loose flower production and bedding purposes.
Arka Archana
The other early-flowering and high-yielding variety is Arka Archana. It is obtained from the selfed seeds of Line No. 15 through individual plant selection. It starts flowering within 69.40 days. The average loose flower yield per plant is 222.62 grams. The plants are of spreading nature and reach up to the height of 47.21 cm. The average spread of this variety is 46.92 cm. It is highly floriferous with a flower number of 84.34 flowers per plant.
The flowers are white, classified under the RHS NN155.C White Group. Flowers are semi-double measuring 4.92 cm in diameter. It has four rows of ray florets. Arka Archana has an extended blooming period of 18.44 days. The shelf life of flowers is 3.55 days. Similar to Arka Aadya, it is also field-tolerant to lodging. It does not require additional staking. It is highly recommended for loose flower production and bedding purposes.
Silent Features of Arka Aadya and Arka Archana
The two varieties are characterized by numerous desirable features. Both are extremely floriferous and early blooming. The yields are high in number and can bloom long. They show tolerance to lodging in the fields. These varieties are well-suited for loose flower production. They have short stalks which can be used in garland making and other ornamental purposes. The vibrant pink and white colors of Arka Aadya and Arka Archana respectively add aesthetic value to landscapes and floral arrangements.
Cultivation Practices
China aster grows best in open and well-drained loamy soil. The ideal temperature for its cultivation ranges between 20-30°C during the day and 15-17°C at night The requirement of relative humidity levels of 50-60% gives optimal flower color development.
For commercial cultivation, seeds should be sown thinly on raised nursery beds prepared with a fine mixture of red soil and farmyard manure. To prevent fungal diseases such as damping off, the nursery beds should be drenched with Captan (2.5 g/liter) or Dithane M-45 (2.5 g/liter) before sowing. A seed rate of 625 g per hectare is recommended.
Seedlings can also be raised in pot trays using cocopeat as a substrate medium. Transplanting should be done when the seedlings are 30-40 days old, The spacing should be maintained at 30 cm × 30 cm. The recommended fertilizer dose is 90 kg nitrogen, 60 kg phosphorus, and 60 kg potash per hectare at the time of field preparation The additional topdressing of 90 kg nitrogen per hectare is required 40 days after transplanting.
China aster is a shallow-rooted crop and requires continuous soil moisture throughout the growing period. Irrigation should be provided at intervals of 7-10 days. Pinching the plants 35-40 days after transplanting promotes better branching and flower production. Regular hand weeding and soil loosening are essential for aeration and improved growth.
Flowers with short stalks should ideally be harvested in the early morning or evening hours. This practice preserves their freshness and quality. With proper care and management, farmers can achieve high yields and profitability with Arka Aadya and Arka Archana.