Pointed gourd, known as parval in hindi is normally propagated through vine cuttings & root suckers. Its seeds are not used in planting due to poor germination & inability to determine the sex of plants before flowering. Due to this, crop established from seed may have 50 percent nonfruiting male plants. Farmers can earn a good profit by cultivating this vegetable. Pointed gourd can be cultivated throughout the year. It is commonly grown in Bihar, West Bengal, Eastern Uttar Pradesh and in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Assam and Maharashtra.
Pointed gourd is a very healthy vegetable and is a very good source of Vitamins. It helps in controlling blood sugar level, good for digestion etc.
Let us know the modern method of cultivation of pointed gourd-
Land preparation
Land must be plowed at least 2-3 times until the soil reaches a fine tilth stage. Apply good manure to enhance the soil fertility.
The plant thrives well under a hot or say moderately warm & humid climate. It remains inactive in the winter season & prefers a fertile, properly-drained sandy loam soil because of its susceptibility to water-logging. At the time of planting, make sure that the ratio of female and male plant is 9:1.
Planting Distance
The distance from the queue to the queue should be 1 meter and the distance from plant to plant 50 cm.
Manures and Fertilizers
5 tons of rotten cow dung manure or compost 70 kg diammonium phosphate and 32 kg.
Add potassium sulfate to the land at the rate of per acre.
After that, apply top dressing twice at an interval of 20-25 days after planting 20 urea and after three months of planting top dressing of 32 kg potassium sulfate.

The area should be weed free during the entire life cycle of the crop, the work of plowing should be completed at the initial stage of the crop.
Irrigation is required at intervals of 8 - 10 days in autumn.
Irrigation is required at intervals of 4-5 days in summer.
Crop Protection
Pest Control
Red bitter beetle
The outbreak of this insect occurs between February and April.
For control, spray carboril at the rate of 01 ml / water.
Blister beetle
It is used for control of pest by qenal phos or methyl parathion or phosphromidan 1 ml / l.
Spray at the rate of water.
Disease control
Scorching of leaves
5 g / l Spray Carbendazim at the rate of water at 10 days interval.
After 3-4 months of planting the harvesting work starts.
Average yield of pointed gourd 50 to 60 kg Per acre...
You can easily grow this vegetable in your kitchen garden or backyard.....