Many of you might be interested to start your own food business but do not know how to get license from FSSAI which is the most integral part. Hence, in this article, we will mainly discuss the procedure of applying for the Central FSSAI License along with its eligibility and documents required in detail.
The Food Standard and Safety of India (FSSAI) is the legal authority that is responsible for the regulation of food security in India. That’s why it is compulsory for all the Food Business Operators (FBOs) to get the FSSAI License according to their business activity and turnover. Moreover, all the FBOs must get a 14-digit FSSAI License number and publish it on the food packages to overcome the adulteration in the food products.
The FSSAI issues the Central License to all the main FBOs in India which is the main requirement of the FBOs dealing in the manufacturing, storage, distribution, transportation, or retailing of food products. The FSSAI License Registration can be of the Central Government or State government depending on the type of business activity.
What is the Central FSSAI License?
The Central FSSAI License is applicable for all the FBOs that have their units in different states. Basically, they are large-size businesses and are spread all over different states or countries like McDonald’s, Subway, Domino’s, etc. These food businesses have an annual turnover of more than Rs.20 crore. FBOs like the Importers, 100% export oriented units, big manufacturers; operators in Central Government agencies are eligible for issuing Central FSSAI Licence.
FBOs operating in 2 or more states have to apply for one Central License for its Registered Head Office and separate license or registration for all branches as per the eligibility standards applicable to them. The maximum tenure of the central license is 5 years and the minimum is 1 year.
Why do You need to Register for this License?
It is mandatory by the FSSAI department for all large food business operators in India to get a Central FSSAI license to run their business in India. There are various reasons for FSSAI Licence Registration:
FSSAI monitors for the food license of FBO on a random basis and takes strict actions over those businesses whose licenses have expired or businesses that don’t have an FSSAI license.
There is a huge level of consumer trust in the safety and quality of food so it has been mandatory to continue that trust of the public. So licensing is an important factor, to keep that trust.
It helps to promote change in food products- varieties are always welcome. To keep the trust of consumers FBO must print a 14-digit FSSAI License number on their food packages.
Central Licencing promotes trade without compromising consumer protection and a larger share.
Central FSSAI Licence assures the food products to undergo quality checks by reducing the food adulteration and sale of sub-standard products.
What is the Minimum Eligibility to Get FSSAI License?
The following FBOs are eligible for getting the Central FSSAI License:
FBOs like restaurants, retailers, distributors, and suppliers with an annual turnover of more than Rs.20 crore.
Manufacturing and processing units of vegetable oil by the method of solvent extraction and factories including oil expeller unit, with a capacity of over 2 metric tonnes per day.
Dhaba, club, canteen, and other food vending establishments with branches spread in more than one state and an annual turnover of more than Rs.12 lakh.
Wholesalers that have an annual turnover of not less than Rs.30 crores.
Hotels with a rating of 5-star or more.
100 % export-oriented units involved in food production or processing.
Every Importer includes the import of food ingredients or additives.
Caterers working under Central Government or related agencies such as Railways, Airlines and Airports, Seaport, Defence, etc.
Storages with a capacity of more than 50,000 metric tonnes,
Dairy Units (including chilling units), with a capacity to handle or process, over 50,000 liters per day,
A slaughtering capacity of over 50 large animals or more than 150 small animals or more than 1000 poultry birds per day.
Controlled Atmosphere + Cold Storage with the capacity of 1,000 MT or more.
Transporters with more than 100 vehicles. Or turnover of more than Rs.30 crores per annum.
All food processing units including re-packers and excluding the grains, pulses & cereals milling units with a capacity of over 2 metric tonnes per day.
All FBOs involved in producing an item of food, additive or its ingredient, using some new process or technology, and/or a combination thereof, whose safety has not been established yet by the FSSAI.
What are the Procedures to obtain a License?
According to the eligibility criteria, you are expected to get a Central FSSAI License then they must fill out the application form B according to the guidelines as prescribed by FSSAI. It must be taken care that every data provided must be correct, appropriate and authentic.
Focus that the general names must be mentioned for the products and not the brand names.
All the products as specified in the license must be certified as per the FSSAI Act, 2006.
At last, you will be questioned for how many years you want to apply for Central License. You have to pick the appropriate period for which you wish to take the license. ( between 1-5 year)
Post-filing the form, the prescribed fees have to pay either by an online portal or by submitting the demand draft at the FSSAI state office.
Your license will be delivered in 25-30 days by post.
Important Documents for FSSAI License
NOC & Copy of License from the manufacturer (Mandatory for Relabellers and Repackers).
Food Safety Management System Plan or Certificate (if any).
Source of milk or procurement plan for milk including the location of milk collection centers in case of milk and milk products processing units. (if applicable).
Source of raw material for meat and meat processing plants. (if applicable).
Pesticide protection report of water from a recognized laboratory if manufacturing packaged water.
NOC from Municipality or Local Body (optional).
Ministry of Commerce Certificate for 100% EOU.
NOC issued by FSSAI.
IE issued by DGFT.
Nomination of Person(s) by a Company(Form IX).
Certification by the Ministry of Tourism.
Detailed proof of income in writing.
Self-declaration of the number of vehicles.
FSSAI Declaration Form.
If applicable a copy of certificate received below the Coop Act – 1861 / Multi-State Coop Act – 2002 in case of Cooperatives.
List and name of machinery and equipment alongside the quantity, installed capacity and horsepower applied. It is compulsory for production and manufacturing units only.
Review report Chemical & Bacteriological of water to be applied as an ingredient in food from a verified or public health laboratory to verify the portability. It’s Necessary for manufacturing and processing units.
Documentary evidence of turnover or self-declaration of a number of vehicles. It’s a compulsory document for Transporters.
Certificate of Food Safety Management System Plan ( FSMSP) if required
How is Central Licence different from Basic and State License?
FSSAI lays down science-based standards for the food products and it also improves their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale, and import to assure the availability of safe food to 130 crore citizens of the country. As per the FSSAI Licencing system, there are 3 types of FSSAI License Registration i.e. are Basic FSSAI Registration, State and Central FSSAI License.
To simplify your understanding. Look over the table mentioned below
Basic FSSAI Licence |
State FSSAI Licence |
Central FSSAI Licence |
Basic FSSAI Registration is for all the Food Business Operators who are small-sized business. |
State FSSAI License is for all the Food Business Operators who are medium-size businesses. |
Central FSSAI License is for all the Food Business Operators who are Large-size businesses. |
The Basic Registration is for business having an annual turnover up to Rs.12 lakh. |
The State FSSAI License is for business having annual turnover between Rs.12 lakh- Rs.20 Crore. |
The Central FSSAI License is for business having annual turnover more than Rs.20 Crore. |
The main documentation in to be signed and complete is FORM- A |
Completion of FORM- B along with signatures. |
FORM- B must be complete with a signature. |
What is the Validity of Central FSSAI License?
The central FSSAI license is valid for a period ranging from 1-5 years. The food business can opt between this food period for its central license. After that, the license expires and it requires renewal of the license. It all on FBOs that they want to continue or not. But if they are planning to continue there business they require its renewal.
The Renewal of the food license must be applied from either Form A or Form B before 30 days of the expiry of the existing registration. Any FSSAI License Renewal application filed beyond the expiry date will pay a late fee of Rs.100 for each delayed day.
In the case of expiry of the food license, the Food Business Operator should mandatorily terminate all the business activities at the premises.
FSSAI Central License Renewal
Now once you have applied for FSSAI central license and completed your validity time, there will be a requirement for renewal of the FSSAI License once the registration gets expired. In such case follow the process of FSSAI central license renewal:
Form B details filling completion. Also, a self-attested declaration and a photo identity proof Aadhar card, voter id, driving license, etc.
After filling and submitting the form, the authorities will check and confirm the details followed up with an inspection to ensure the authenticity of the documents and details given.
After completing the investigation, the FSSAI central license will be issued within 30-60 days.
Important Things to Remember
Fees for a Central License is Rs.17999 per year and a food business operator can apply for a maximum of 5 years. Central licenses provide on basis of a verification report provided by the food inspector. Any food business running without the proper food license is considered illegal. Such a food business can be lived with a heavy penalty of up to Rs.5,000,00 or 6 months imprisonment or both. Different teams have been made by the department. To make sure that all operators are operating as per the FSSAI guidelines and not breaking any laws.
For more information log into fssaifoodlicense.in or can simply contact experts on 8750008844.
Source: FSSAI