Nowadays, farmers have an abundant scope to earn money and run a successful agri-business. It’s not necessary to start from something big but rather can go for small business and cultivation which gives you good yield as well as earning. From the past years, you will observe a wide range of changes in the field of agriculture along with the new innovative technology. So we are here to figure out the most profitable Agri-business to help you in earning a good amount of money through agriculture.
Farmers who wish to earn lakhs of rupees can adopt button Mushroom Cultivation. You would be surprised to know the fact that Button mushroom is the most demanding vegetables in India which also regarded as the costly vegetables. The white button mushroom is sold as fresh mushroom or canned and made into soups, sauces and other food products.
Button mushroom is a variety in the mushroom family that comes with plenty of minerals and vitamins. There is no need for much space for its cultivation. Currently, Button Mushrooms are sold in the retail market for up to Rs 300 per fort. So, you have a big chance of earning a lot of money by cultivating button mushrooms in this way you easily.

How to grow button mushrooms
The appropriate time to grow button mushroom in India is from October to March. Initially, 22 to 26-degree temperature is required for the harvest of button mushrooms. In the above temperature, the fungus grows quite rapidly, later it is perfectly suitable at 14 to 18-degree temperature.
Above 8 degrees temperatures is harmful to the mushroom. Especially compost manure is required for the cultivation of button mushrooms. You can spread the organically prepared compost in a wooden box or rack with 6 to 8 inches thick. Or otherwise, you can also use a paddy straw for this. You need to leave the paddy straw soaked, after that mixing it with DAP, urea, potash, wheat, bran, gypsum, calcium and leave it to rot. Leave this mixture for about 30 days.
Step 2-
After every four to five days, you need to completely reverse it. After 15 days, mix it with neem cake, jaggery baking, and molasses. After a month, spray it with Bavacitin and Formaline and then cover it with a tarpaulin or with any plastic for 6 hours. Through this, you can refresh your compost.
Mushroom Production and Storage
After 35 to 40 days of sowing or after 15-20 days for soil planting, white fungi of mushroom may appear on the compost which can increase the size of the button in the next four to five days.
Polyethylene bags are used for mushroom cultivation which you can buy in the market. Most of the freshly sold mushrooms are treated in potassium metabolite solution due to the high demand for white colored mushrooms. The retail price of button Khumbi mushroom is Rs 100-125 per kg in the current market which can easily sold up to 150 rupees on the wedding season.