The Vegetable Soybean is a significant leguminous vegetable whose green pods are collected when the seeds cover around 80 to 90 % of the case width. It varies from the grain soybeans in regard of their huge sized seeds, more significant levels of sugars, over 75% 2-and 3-cultivated units, dim pubescence and splendid green pod and seed coat colour tone.
The Swarna Vasundhara, an improved assortment of vegetable soybean has been created at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Farming System Research Center for Hill and Plateau Region, Plandu, Ranchi, Jharkhand and delivered by the CVRC for commercial development in India. It takes nearly 70 to 75 days for the green pods to be harvested for the first time subsequent to planting with 50 to 55% recuperation of shelled splendid green beans. There are three pickings in harvest length of 80 to 85 days.
It is an amazing source of edible proteins, carbs, lipids, essential fats, phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc, thiamine, riboflavin, Vitamin E, dietary fiber and sugar. The shelled green beans are utilized as scrumptious cooked vegetables and the develop dry seeds are utilized for making esteemed added products. Attributable to the high dietary benefit, the assortment was presented in Jharkhand and different conditions of India to give nutritional and occupational security among the farmers.
Chandrakant Deshmukh, an agri-preneur based out of Pune took 50 kilo of Swarna Vasundhara seed from the ICAR, Plandu in 2019 which he duplicated for area development. In 2020, he developed Swarna Vasundhara in 10 acres of land in black cotton soil of Warpud Village at Parbhani Taluka in Maharashtra at dispersing of 60 cm x 15 cm under sprinkler water system framework. He collected 15q graded (2 and 3-cultivated) green pods for each acre of land. Financial aspects of development of vegetable soybean assortment Swarna Vasundhara per section of land is as per the following:
Cultivation Cost: Rupees 30,000/- (includes land lease value, preparation of land, manure and fertilizer, irrigation system, intercultural operations, pesticides, harvesting, etc.).
Gross Income: Rupees 3,00,000/- (Yield of Green Pods: 15q, Market Rate: Rupees 200 per kg).
Net Income: Rupees 2,70,000.
For the whitening process, the cleaned green pods are kept in boiling water (90 °C) for 5 minutes followed by quickly dunking the whitened cases in cold water (4 °C) for 5 minutes to keep up the original tone and pattern. Further, these pods are dunked in normal water for 5 minutes prior to being put away in a deep cooler.
Deshmukh put away whitened green pods at - 18 °Celsius for staggered marketing. The cases can be put away upto a year and a half. The whitened and frozen 2 & 3 seeded green cases are being sold at rupees 300 per kg. He is dispatching the frozen cases to Pune, Mumbai, Bengaluru and Hyderabad according to the market demand. The shelled green seeds of one-cultivated units are being sold at rupees 400 per kg after whitening. It is consumed with salt.
He collected dry fully developed seeds at 7q per section of land which is being sold at rupees 100 to 150 per kg. He is likewise making Soy Paneer (Tofu) from dry fully developed seed. One kg seed yielded 2.25 kg of tofu. Tofu of Swarna Vasundhara is alluring white coloured, delicate (elastic) textured, without beany flavor and is in extraordinary demand in Maharashtra. The Swarna Vasundhara tofu is being sold at rupees 300 per kg. The expense of making 225 kg soy paneer from 1q grain of Swarna Vasundhara is priced at rupees 13,000. The net benefit from the sale of 225 kg soy paneer is rupees 54,500. The simmered grains are likewise being utilized to make top notch sattu (flour).
The grains are devoured as nutritious food subsequent to absorbing in water for 8 hours. Numerous different items like soy curd, chhena, gulab jamun desserts, frozen yogurts, and so forth, are additionally being set up from Swarna Vasundhara grains. It's value added items are exceptionally profitable and give brilliant opportunity for setting-up endeavors.