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Know the Advanced Cultivation of Mulethi (Liquorice); NMPB Provides 50 percent Grant

Many people are hardly aware of the incredible benefits of nature’s sacred medicinal plant which is treasured with some magical ingredients to beat some of the major diseases. India has a rich history in Ayurveda and natural sciences, which has gradually forgo with the time. Mulethi or licorice is an incredible medicinal plant that comes with incredible health benefits.

Pronami Chetia

Many people are hardly aware of the incredible benefits of nature’s sacred medicinal plant which is treasured with some magical ingredients to beat some of the major diseases. India has a rich history in Ayurveda and natural sciences, which has gradually forgo with the time. Mulethi or liquorice is an incredible medicinal plant which comes with incredible health benefits.

Mulethi Benefits:

Moreover, the cultivation of liquorice is easy and economical. In common parlance, this bush is also known as 'sweet root'. Apart from food, it is also used as sore throat, cough and Ayurvedic medicines. This shrub is a preventive and anti-irritant and many diseases are treated by its roots. Not only this, but this bush is also helpful in the treatment of skin problems, jaundice, ulcers, bronchitis etc. It also helps in keeping your respiratory tract healthy while boosting your immunity and digestion. Moreover, the phytoestrogenic compounds in this herb help to correct hormonal imbalance in the body to ease menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, insomnia, depression, mood swings, sweating etc.

As per reports, the National Medicinal Plant Board also provides 50 per cent grant to farmers for its cultivation. Let’s know about the advanced technique of cultivating this medicinal plant.

Mulethi is a shrubby plant

We can put liquorice in the category of evergreen shrubby plants which has an average height of around 120 cm. While its flower can be white blue from purple, seeds are found in fruits. Apart from Punjab and Himalayan regions in India, this plant is mainly found in Greek, China and Egypt.

Water and Soil: 

Sandy-clay soil is good for its cultivation. The tropical climate of the North-Western region of India is suitable according to experts.

Sowing Time:

The January-February season is right for its sowing. You need to prepare a nursery this season. You can sow in the month of February-March or July-August.

Field Preparation: 

To cultivate it, it is necessary to level the fields properly until the soil becomes soft. Remove the weed properly. Do not let water stand in the soil. 

Plant Transplant: 

Transplanting distance for its field is 90x45 cm and sowing directly or by applying sugarcane. The soil should be germinated in 10-20 days. If you want, you can plant crops of different species like carrot, potato cabbage, etc. Until the cut pieces begin to sprout, do light irrigation at regular intervals.



These plants need irrigation at intervals of 30-45 days during the summer season. While there is no special need for irrigation in winter it is important to stop the stability of water as it causes the possibility of root melting.


After two and a half or three years, the yield starts from the plant. Then you can harvest in the month of winter from November to December. After harvesting, it is better to dry the roots in the sun, say experts.

While the roots should be put in an airless bag, you can use dry roots as tea, powder, etc.

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