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Know the Use of Eggshells in Home Made Fertilisers

In our previous article on making fertilizers at home we had briefly discussed on how eggshells are important in making fertilizers for home gardens. (https://krishijagran.com/agripedia/here-are-most-favorite-items-for-making-fertilizers-at-home/). Today we shall cover in length on various steps involved in using egg shells for turning them into home- made fertilizers. As known Eggsshells have 93% calcium carbonate, which when used as a fertilizer, helps in lowering acidity for plants that are unable to grow in higher acidic mediums.

Abhijeet Banerjee

In our previous article on making fertilizers at home we had briefly discussed on how eggshells are important in making fertilizers for home gardens. (https://krishijagran.com/agripedia/here-are-most-favorite-items-for-making-fertilizers-at-home/). Today we shall cover in length on various steps involved in using egg shells for turning them into home- made fertilizers. As known Eggsshells have 93% calcium carbonate, which when used as a fertilizer, helps in lowering acidity for plants that are unable to grow in higher acidic mediums. Other major advantage is that they supply plants with lots of calcium, which is an essential nutrient for proper growth of the plants and vegetables. 

Therefore if you are having home garden then next time, just don’t throw away the empty shells of eggs, after making an omelet or any other egg-based dish. On the contrary do crush them up and use them to supply our garden with essential nutrient to enhance growth of the plants. As eggshells are crushed or broken down, they start providing plants with the valuable nutrients specially calcium, therefore behave like a natural fertilizer. Let us understand the steps involved in making fertilizer from eggshells.  

Making “Eggshell Tea” 

First step is to boil a gallon of water, then add 10 clean and dry eggshells to it. If you want to make a stronger brew, then increase up to shell of roughly 20 eggs. Keep the shells in water overnight, and then drain out remaining portion of the water. A concentrate is formed which is then poured in the soil, to be used as calcium and potassium providing fertilizer.  

Choose an alternative Method  

One can crush the eggshells and put them directly to the garden soil, rather making the concentrate of eggshell tea. Before the planting time approaches, make sure to collect adequate quantity of the material or the shell. Wash and dry the shells to remove any residue. After this, place the shells into a food processor for turning into a powdery material. Remember to wear a dust mask when the eggshells are crushed. This is done in order to avoid inhaling the eggshell dust. Stir the powdered shells into the soil or potting mix just before planting. One can also sprinkle a handful of shells into the planting hole before setting plant root ball in it. 

Advantages of using Eggshells in soil:  

Plants get the necessary element i.e. calcium by using eggshells as fertilizers in home gardens. Calcium helps the plants develop a strong cellular structure. Deficiency of this element results in stunted growth and leaves are either twister or young plants, because the leaves are twisted or have black spots. Normally the young leaves are calcium deficient. Also, larger shells pieces of the eggshells help in preventing spread of pests like snails and slugs. The sharp edges of the shells irritate the soft bodies of these pests, hence deter their influence. Snails and slugs can completely destroy gardens by eating plants and fruits, including their roots, leaves, and stems. 

Plants That Thrive Properly in Eggshell Soils  

For plants prone to damage by slugs and snails, such as tomatoes and marigolds, eggshells are a good source of control. A layer of roughly crushed eggshells encircling plants is beneficial in preventing the damage from these pests. Actually, using eggshells is a better choice against control through chemical products.  

Shells of eggs are helpful in controlling disease in tomatoes or pepper, like the Blossom end rot. The disease is often a result of by a lack of calcium, and this condition leads to dark, rotted sores on vegetables. A layer of crushed eggshells, placed in the planting hole for these vegetables, is a simple means of combating the disease. As they decompose, the eggshells naturally enrich the soil, providing a slow, steady source of calcium, preventing blossom end rot from occurring. 

Potted plants can also be grown in soil where egg shells are applied as a fertilizer. Crushed eggshells can be used to block holes in plant pots while providing soil with nutrients, especially as these egg shells star decomposing. Potted plants, like spider plants, ferns and ivy, are able to grow properly in soils treated with egg shell powder or its concentrate. Before using the shells, make sure they are washed so as to clean any unwanted residue, and then break into pieces large enough to cover the holes completely.  

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