Makhane ki Kheti: There is a huge risk of pest infestation in Makhana (fox nut) farming as it is carried out in deep water and farmers are not able to pay much attention to it. Therefore, they end up suffering huge losses.
The largest Makhana producing state in India is Bihar (Madhubani, Darbhanga and other adjoining districts). 90% of the world's total production of makhana is from India, out of which 80% share is from these districts of North Bihar. On an average, a Makhana Farmer can earn up to Rs 1 lakh per hectare.
Dr. S.K. Singh, Professor cum Chief Scientist (Plant Pathology) Associate Director Research (Professor cum Chief Scientist (Plant Pathology), Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University Pusa warns farmers against the 3 most important diseases of Makhana crop.
Makhana Crop Diseases:
Seed, Root and Stem Rot Disease
According to Dr S.K. Singh, the rotting disease is caused by various fungi species including Fusarium species; pithium species; Phytophthora species or Rhizoctonia species.
Even if this type of infected seed germinates, its roots start rotting. Plant growth stops and eventually the plant dies. The lower parts of Makhana plants are also affected by this disease, on which brownish round shaped to boat-shaped spots are formed, which cause rot in the plants.
How to Prevent Rotting Disease in Fox nut?
This disease is soil and seed-borne, so it is necessary to collect and burn the diseased plants. The water in which makhana is grown must be clean. Adopt a crop circle of two to three years. As this disease is seed-borne also, it is necessary that the seeds should always be obtained from healthy plants. Before sowing, it is necessary to treat the seeds with fungicide called Captan or Thiram (0.3%).
(2) Leaf Spot Disease
This disease is caused by fungi called Cercospora and Phytophthora. In this disease, firstly a large irregular-shaped spot is formed on the leaves, which initially turns light brown and later turns black, and gradually gets separated from the plant. Thus the affected plant eventually dies.
How to Prevent Leaf spot Disease in Makhana?
The pond should be kept clean.
Manure and fertilizer should be given in recommended quantity.
Seed treatment should be done by fungicide Thiram or Captan.
- Affected plants can be sprayed with blightox – 50 (3.5 g/Litre) dissolved in water.
(3) Fruit Rot Disease
Plants affected by this disease are healthy to see but its underdeveloped fruits start rotting. So far, the pathogen causing fruit rot has not been detected. This disease can be controlled by spraying 0.3 percent solution of Carbendazim and Dithane M.45 on the leaves.