Impact of COVID-19 on paddy cultivation
Paddy is the second highest produced grain in the world after maize. Grown as an annual crop, it can survive as perennial in tropical areas. Being labour intensive and water demanding plant, it is well suited for regions having cheap labour and high rainfall.
Decrease in per capita income amid slowed economy will shift food habits from more expensive items like meat, milk, vegetables and fruits to more affordable food like paddy. Paddy is one of the major food crops in India. The lockdown has created labour shortage and problem of migration within nation, which will further slow down transplanting, weeding and other inter-cultural operations in fields. To manage high rice demand and future economic shocks, there is a need to revitalize paddy cultivation in the present season.
Regions of paddy cultivation in India
Broadly, there are five rice growing regions in India: North-Eastern Region; Eastern Region; Northern Region (single crop of paddy is taken from May-July to September-December); Western Region (single crop of rice taken from July-August to October-December); Southern Region. Widespread cultivation and great demand for paddy has necessitated different management practices for rice. Four different rice agro ecosystems in India are: irrigated, rain fed upland, rain fed lowland and flood prone ecosystem.
With total production of around 116 million tonnes during 2019-20, West Bengal contributes around 16% of total production, followed by Uttar Pradesh (15.51%) and Punjab (12.82%).

Agro advisory May, 2020 for Rice growing areas –
Initiate proper management practices for management of neck blast disease in rabi paddy in southern India. Apply Azoxystrobin 25SC @ 200ml/acre or Carbendazim 50 WP @ 400g/200 l of water/acre or Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 5ml/l
Places where Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)/hill exceeds 10, spray Triflumezopyrin 10SC @ 94ml/acre, or Pymetrozine 50WP @ 120g/acre, or Clothianidin 50 WDG @ 9.6g/acre, or Dinotefuran 20SG @ 60g/acre, or Flonicamid 50 WG @ 60g/acre.
For Gundhi bug, when population exceeds 2 bugs/ hill or 5 bugs/m2apply Malathion 5% @ 10kg/acre, or Chlorpyrifos 20EC @ 1 l/acre using 200 liters of water.
For ear cutting caterpillar in matured crop, apply Quinalphos 25EC @ 400ml/acre, or Chlorpyrifos 20 EC @ 500ml/acre.
Summer ploughing should be done in direct seeded lowland areas. Land preparation for transplanted rice may be initiated and completed for raising dry nursery.
Procure and sow Dhaincha seeds @ 12kg/acre in transplanted rice areas, where paddy is to be transplanted in first forthnight of July
Amid cyclone ‘Amphan’, allow field drainage and complete harvesting in paddy fields. Dry grains to 14% safe moisture level for storage. For protection from storage insect pests, fumigate with aluminium phosphide tablets @ 3 tablets/ton of grains in air tight conditions for 7-10 days.

Hybrid Rice and major players in paddy seed industry
On-farm income decides the economic status of farmer households. Many experts are of the view that use of hybrid rice can boost rural incomes, stimulate private investment and improve rice yields. 65-70 % less seeds of hybrids are required, than that of HYVs. Average spikelets per panicle produced in hybrids are generally more than that of HYVs, as hybrids accumulate more dry matter during vegetative phase. Hybrid vigour/ heterosis is the increase in performance/ yield of cultivated plant that results due to hybridization. Its performance decline after first generation seed (F1), thus compel farmers to buy new seeds in next season. Some of the industrial giants that can aid in paddy cultivation by providing quality seeds are:
Savannah Seeds Private Limited |
S.No. |
Products: Seeds |
Qualities |
1. |
Sava smart rice 127 |
Early maturity, Lodging tolerant, non chaffy panicles and better milling percentage |
2. |
Sava smart rice 134 |
3. |
Sava smart rice 200 |
4. |
Sava smart rice 300 |
5. |
SH 4613 |
Medium maturity, BLB tolerant, controlled lowland |
6. |
S 222 |
Medium maturity, long bold grain and high test weight |
7. |
Shrestha Gold |
Medium maturity and lodging tolerance |
8. |
Vijetha 100 |
Early maturity, tolerance for blast |
9. |
GK – Chetak |
Early maturity, high milling yields |
10. |
Marshal Plus |
Medium maturity, good grain quality |
11. |
Marshal 135 |
Medium maturity, more tillers and high seed weight |
12. |
GK 5003 (Rambha) |
Mid-early maturity, tolerance for BLB |
13. |
Durga |
Mid-early maturity, more grain per panicle, tolerance to BLB |

Advanta Seeds Global |
Advanta is one of the top 5 Hybrid rice companies in India |
S.No. |
Products: Seeds |
Qualities |
1. |
PAC 807+ |
Early maturing rainfed, fortified with Blast, suitable for terrace cultivation, rainfed condition |
2. |
PAC 8130 |
3. |
PAC 801 |
Medium maturity rainfed, better grain yielder |
4. |
ADV 801+ |
5. |
PAC 8744+ |
Medium maturity irrigated, fortified for BLB, high yielding |
6. |
PAC 837 |
7. |
Swarna 2 |
High yielding, fine grain |
Rasi Seeds (P) Ltd. |
S.No. |
Products: Seeds |
Qualities |
1. |
RHR – 333 |
Medium maturity |
2. |
RRX -113 |
Mid-early maturity |
3. |
RHR – 111 |
Mid-early maturity |
4. |
Poonam |
Extra early, medium slender grain |
5. |
Pavitra |
Mid early, long panicles |
6. |
Laxmi |
Mid early, medium slender grain type |
7. |
Poonam Gold |
Extra early, medium slender grain type |
Nuziveedu Seeds Private Limited |
S.No. |
Products: Seeds |
Qualities |
1. |
NPH 2003 Deva |
Kharif, suited for irrigated areas of U.P., M.P., Jharkhand, Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Chattisgarh. |
2. |
Champion NPH 207 |
Kharif, suited for irrigated and rain fed upland areas |
3. |
Winner NPH 567 |
Kharif, irrigated areas |
4. |
Raja NPH 369 |
Kharif, irrigated areas |
5. |
Pavan NPH 909 |
Kharif, rainfed upland areas of U.P., Chattishgarh, M.P., Jharkhand. Also suitable for saline areas. |
6. |
Karishma NPH 8899 |
Semi-dwarf, suited for U.P., Bihar, M.P., Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, A.P., Orissa, Maharashtra, T.N. |
7. |
NPH 910 Badshah |
Kharif, irrigated areas of U.P., Jharkhand, Bihar, Chattisgarh |
8. |
NPH 924- Hima |
Boro, sited for West Bengal and Assam |
9. |
Vijay PNPH 24 |
Kharif/ Rabi in irrigated areas of Bihar, West Bengal, Odisha |
10. |
NPH 2006 Kohinoor |
Basmati growing areas. Suited for Punjab, Haryana and U.P. |
11. |
SBH 999 Subeej Sugandh |
Kharif, suited for Basmati growing areas of Haryana and U.P. |

J.K. Agri Genetics Limited |
S.No. |
Products: Seeds |
Qualities |
1. |
JKRH -401 |
Excellent Grain Yielder in Medium duration segment |
2. |
JKRH -1220 |
Excellent grain yielder in long slender aromatic segment |
3. |
JKRH 20-20 |
Best yielder in coarse grain segment |
4. |
JKRH -3333 |
Excellent grain yielder in medium slender segment |
5. |
JKRH -2066 |
Best suitable for Boro Season |
6. |
JK Dhanyarekha |
Early and better yielder than BPT5204 variety |
7. |
JK Swarnarekha |
Suitable for sub-mergence areas |
8. |
JKRH 2062 |
Suitable for all early maturing rice growing areas |
9. |
JKRH -2067 |
Suitable for all seasons and crop rotations |
10. |
JKRH -2005 |
Best Suitable for lowland irrigated areas of North-Eastern plain zones. |
Krishidhan Seeds Private Limited |
S.No. |
Products: Seeds |
Qualities |
1. |
Komal 101 |
Semi-dwarf, high tillering |
2. |
Silky 277 |
Medium bold grain |
3. |
Prasanna |
Semi dwarf |
4. |
Bumpy Gold |
Long slender grains and 14-15 tillers |
5. |
Anupam |
Early maturity, 14-15 tillers |
6. |
HY Rize -360 |
Aromatic, long fine grain |
7. |
Gaurav |
Semi dwarf, long slender and non – aromatic grains |
8. |
Mohar 2164 |
Very Early, dwarf |
10. |
Bhavana |
Medium dwarf, short slender grain |
11 |
Sativa 360 |
Medium duration |
12. |
Rasika 27 |
Medium duration |
13. |
Padma 07 |
Medium duration, long bold grain |
14. |
Vision 199 |
Late maturing, medium tall |
15. |
Mathura 1010 |
Early maturing, 12-14 tillers |
16. |
Chandan 21 |
Medium maturity, long slender, aromatic grains |
17. |
KSL 810 |
Medium tall, with long, slender, aromatic grains |
18. |
Prem 9999 |
Long slender aromatic grains. |

Mahyco Private Ltd |
S.No. |
Products: Seeds |
Qualities |
1. |
Shahi Daawat |
Early maturing, long slender aromatic grain |
2. |
Paddy Maheen |
16g test weight, medium maturity |
3. |
Rejoice |
Medium slender grain. With excellent eating quality |
4. |
Paddy MRP 5635 |
Long panicle, early maturing |
5. |
Suruchi |
Mid early maturing, long bold grain |
6. |
Dhananjay |
Medium maturity and good cooking quality |
7. |
Dhandev |
Medium maturity, medium slender grain |
8. |
Raftaar |
Early maturing, long slender grain |
9. |
Upaj |
Mid-early maturing. Light scented |
10. |
Paddy MRP 5477 |
Medium maturity, long panicles and awnless |
11. |
Suruchi MRP 5632 |
Long slender grain, mild aroma |
12. |
Suruchi MRP 5407 |
Long bold grain, awnless, mild aroma |
Recommended rice varieties by National Rice Research Institute (NRRI), Cuttack:
Rice Agro ecosystem and types |
Varieties |
Intermediate deep water areas |
Varshadhan, Durga, CR Dhan 501, Gayatri and Sarala |
For deep water areas |
CR Dhan 500, CR Jalamani, Jayantidhan, CR Dhan 505, and Prasanta |
Upland direct seeded |
Satyabhama, Ankit, Sahbhagidhan, Phalguni, and Vandana |
Shallow lowland transplanted rice |
Maudamani, CR Dhan 303, CR Dhan304, MTU 1001, MTU 1010, Naveen, Improved Lalat, Hue, Swarna, Pooja, CR Dhan 800 |
Coastal saline |
Luna Sankhi, Luna Suvarn, Lunishree |
Hybrids for irrigated medium and shallow lowland |
Ajay, Rajalaxmi, CR Dhan 701, KRH-2 and PHB 71. |
Aromatic |
Geetanjali. CR Sugandh Dhan 907, CR Sugandh Dhan 908, CR Sugandh Dhan 910 |

Contribution of All India Coordinated Rice Improvement Project (AICRIP), in paddy cultivation:
Research centres under SAU |
Varieties |
Mountain Research Centre for Field Crops (MRCFC), Khudwani |
Shalimar Rice-1, Shalimar Rice-2, Shalimar Rice- 3, K-39, K-78, Jhelum, Chenab, K-332 |
Rice and Wheat Research Centre, Malan |
Bhrigu Dhan, Varun Dhan, Palam Lal Dhan 1, Palam Basmati 1, ARIZE 6129 |
Regional Rice Research Station, Punjab |
PR 113, PR 120, PR 121, PR 122, PR 123, Punjab Mehak 1, Punjab Basmati 3, Pusa Punjab Basmati 1509 |
AICRIP, Uttarakhand |
Pant Dhan 12, Pant Sankar Dhan 1, Pant Dhan 16, Pant Sugandh Dhan 15, Pant Sankar Dhan 3, Pant Sugandh Dhan 17, Pant Dhan 18, Pant Dhan 19, Pant Sugandh Dhan 21 |
Rice Research Station, Haryana |
HKR 126, HKR 127, HKR 128, HKR 47, IR 64, HKR 48, Haryana Basmati -1, Haryana Basmati -2, Haryana Shankar Dhan -1 |
Agricultural Research Station, Kota |
Pratap Sugandh -1, Chambal, BK -190, BK-79 |
Zonal Research Station, Nagina |
First scented rice, T-3 (Dehraduni Basmati). NRH -1, T-21, T-88, T-100, N-22, N-12, N-27, N-10B |
C.S. Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, U.P. |
Ashwini and Usar -1 |
Banaras Hindu University, U.P. |
Malviya Dhan -1,Malviya Dhan -2, Malviya Sugandh 4-3,Malviya Basmati Dhan 10-9 |
Crop research station, Ghagraghat, U.P. |
Deep water: NDGR 489, NDGR 530, NDGR 542; Semi deep water: NDGR 1501, NDGR 1512, NDGR 1514; Flash flood: NDGR 127, NDGR 63, NDGR 65 |

Crop Research Station, Faizabad |
Narendra -97, Barani Deep, Shushk Samrat, NDR 2026. NDR 2064, NDR 2065, Shivraj, Prakhar, Narendra Sona, Narendra Laher, NDR 8002, Jal Lahri, Narendra Shankar Dhan -2, Lalmati, NDR 6093, NDR 6244, Narender Parag |
Agricultural Research Institute, Patna |
Sabour Surbhit, Rajendra Bhagwati, Sabour Deep, Sabour Ardhjal, Sabour Shree |
JNKVV, Madhya Pradesh |
JRH -4, JRH -5, JRH -8 |
Rice Research Station, Bankura |
Puspa, Dhiren, Sampriti, Dhruba |
Rice Research Station, Chinsurah |
Ajit, Rajdeep, Gosaba 5 |
Andhra Pradesh Rice Research Institute and Regional Agricultural Research Station, A.P. |
Swarna, Cottondora Sannalu, Vijetha, Indra, Pushyami, Amara |
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