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Processing of Ginger: Now Make Your Own Dry Ginger at Home

Preparation of dried & preserved ginger is discussed in detail along with its benefits.

P. Godha Hiranmayee

Ginger is one of the most important spices in India. India is the largest producer of dry ginger in the world. It is about 0.683 million tons. 1/3rd of the production of the ginger in the country is exported. Kerala is the largest producer of ginger accounting for more than 33% of the total country’s production.

In this article we will tell you as to how you can make your own ginger at home. So, let’s start;

Dry ginger: 

Fully developed rhizomes are harvested after 8 months of planting for preparation of dry ginger. Remove the roots & leaves. Wash the rhizomes. 

1. Soaking in water:The rhizomes are soaked overnight in cement water tubs for easy removal of skin. 

2. Trampling:The rhizomes are trampled under feet in the tub. Avoid damage to epidermal cells containing flavoring oil. 

3. Peeling:The skin is peeled off, with sharp bamboo knives. Don’t rupture epidermal cells. This step hastens drying process. 

4. Washing & Drying:The peeled rhizomes are washed & sundried for 3-4 days on cement floor. 

5. Polishing:After drying the rhizomes are polished by rubbing with a coarse cloth to remove all bits of skin or dirt. These are called unbleached ginger. 

To get bleached ginger, peeled rhizomes are soaked in 2% lime water for 6 hours or fumigated with Sulphur for 12 hours. 

Dried ginger can be ground & used directly as a spice & also for the extraction of ginger oil & ginger oleoresin. 

Yield: 16-25% of fresh ginger 

Preserved Ginger:  Ginger is harvested at 7 months after planted for preparing the preserved ginger. It is preserved in syrup or brine. 

Brine solution: High concentration solution of salt in water. (5-8% salt by weight) 

Benefits of Ginger: 

1. Weight Loss

2. Lowers Cholesterol

3. Improves Digestion

4. Reduces Menstrual Pain

5. Avoids Nausea & Morning Sickness

6. Lowers Blood Sugar

7. Reduces Inflammation

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