Pumpkin is a famous rainy season crop of India. It is have different names like "HalwaKaddu” or “Kaddu” in Hindi and it belongs to cucurbitaceae family. India is the second largest producer of pumpkin. The vegetable is very rich in Vitamin A & potassium and helps in boosting eye vision, lowers blood pressure and has antioxidant properties. Its leaves, young stems, fruit juice and flowers contain several medicinal properties.
Now let's learn about Cultivation of Pumpkin
Climate Requirements
Temperature should be between 25-28°C
Soil Requirements
Loamy soil having good drainage system and should be rich in organic matter are best for the growth of pumpkin.
pH of soil be between 6-7 is for its cultivation.
Popular Varieties With Yield
PAU Magaz Kaddoo-1 :
This variety was released in 2018.
It is also used for making Magaz and snacks.
It has hull-less seeds, dwarf vines and dark green color leaves.
It has medium sized fruits which is round and turns golden yellow at maturity.
The seed contains 32% omega-6, 3% protein and 27% oil content.
It gives an average yield of 2.9qtl/acre of seeds.

PPH-1 :
This variety was released in 2016.
Extra early maturing variety.
They have dwarf vines, short internodal length and dark green color leaves.
It contains small fruits which are round in shape.
The fruit is mottled green in color when immature and at maturity stage it becomes mottled brown in color.
Fruit contains golden yellow color flesh.
It gives an average yield of 206qtl/acre.
PPH-2 :
This variety was Released in 2016.
Extra early maturing variety.
They have dwarf vines, short internodal length and green color leaves.
It contains small fruits which are round in shape.
The fruit is light green in color when immature and at maturity stage it becomes smooth brown in color.
Fruit contains golden yellow color flesh.
It gives an average yield of 222qtl/acre.
Punjab Samrat (Released in 2008) :
They have medium long vines, angular stem and dark green color leaves.
It contains small fruits which are round in shape.
The fruit is mottled green in color when immature and at maturity stage it becomes pale brown in color.
Fruit contains golden yellow color flesh.
It gives an average yield of 165qtl/acre.

Land Preparation
Land should be well prepared for pumpkin farming.
Ploughings with local tractor is required, to bring the soil to fine tilth.
Time of sowing:
February-March and June-July is time for seed sowing.
Sow two seeds on per hill and keep spacing of 60cm.
For hybrid varieties, use spacing of 45cm.
Sowing depth:
Depth should be 1 inch in the soil.
Method of sowing:
Direct sowing method should be used
Seed rate of 1kg seed for one acre land.
Seed treatment:
Seeds should be treated with Benlate or Bavistin at 2.5 gm/kg of seed is used to cure from soil borne diseases.
Fertilizer Requirement (kg/acre)
40 20 20
Nutrient Requirement (kg/acre)
90 125 35
Application of well rotten FYM at 8-10tonnes/acre is used before preparation of beds.
Fertilizer dose of Nitrogen at 40kg/acre in the form of urea at 90kg/acre, Phosphorus at 20kg/acre in the form of SSPat 125kg/acre and Potassium at 20kg/acre in the form of MOPat 35kg/acre is added.
Nitrogen dose is applied in 2 equal splits.
First half dose is applied before sowing and then remaining dose of nitrogen is applied as top dressing within one month.
Weed Control
Frequent weeding or earthing up operation is required.
Do weeding with the help of hoe or by hands.
Do first weeding after 2-3 weeks of seed sowing.
3-4 weedings are required to make the field weed free.
Proper irrigation at proper intervals of time is required.
After seed sowing, iimmediate irrigation is required .
Depending upon the season, subsequent irrigations at the interval of 6-7 days is required.
At least 8-10 irrigation are required.
Harvesting is mainly done when skin of the fruits turns pale brown in color and the inner flesh becomes golden yellow in color.
Mature fruits having good storage capacity therefore they can be used for long distance transportation.
Harvesting of immature fruits is also done for sale purpose.
Seed Production
When fruits are mature i.e. they changes their color into dull.
Then they are crushed with hands in fresh water and then separate seeds from pulp.
Seeds which are settled in bottom are collected for seed purpose.