Taro is scientifically known as Colocasia esculenta and is a key tropical fruit root crop highly prized for its nutritious corm and leaves. It is high in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and vital vitamins. It is a staple crop in most areas. Increased demand for fresh and processed taro products in the market provides the crop with a potentially profitable venture for farmers.
Value-added processing and sustainable production can further increase its economic potential, supporting food security and rural development. Taro is also rich in a gum-like material that finds industrial use as an emulsifier and as a thickener in the food industry.
Ideal Climate and Soil Conditions
Taro prefers hot, humid weather with temperatures between 21°C and 35°C. It needs well-drained loamy or sandy soil with a pH of 5.5 to 7.0. Adequate moisture is necessary for a good yield, so areas with moderate rainfall or controlled irrigation are ideal for cultivation.
Planting Method
Taro is grown using corms or cormels. The most suitable time for planting is at the beginning of the monsoon so that there is sufficient moisture for germination. Farmers can plant corms 5-7 cm deep with 45-60 cm between the plants. Well-drained soil with organic manure or compost supports better growth.
Irrigation and Fertilization
There is a need for regular irrigation, especially in the initial growth stage. The stagnation of water should be prevented to avoid root rot. Fertilizer application with a balanced composition, including organic manure with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) in the right ratios, enhances productivity.
Weed and Pest Management
Weeds must be managed by regular hand weeding or mulching. Organically grown vegetables should be controlled using organic pesticides or neem solutions against pests like aphids, caterpillars, and beetles. Effective crop rotation also serves to reduce disease outbreaks.
Taro Gum and Its Uses
Taro has a gum-like material that absorbs water and becomes highly hydrated. This gum is of potential use as an emulsifying, thickening, and smoothing agent in food products like creams and suspensions. In processed taro foods, the elimination of this gum will enhance texture by lowering stickiness and viscosity.
Diversity and Genetic Resources of Taro
Taro is a member of the family Araceae and it comprises more than 100 genera and over 1,500 species. The most common two varieties that are grown are Colocasia esculenta var. esculenta (dasheen type) and Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorum (eddoe type). The cultivated varieties are commonly eaten and wild taro species have high concentrations of calcium oxalate crystals and are not edible.
Taro is a perennial monocot by nature but is usually cultivated after 5-12 months of cultivation. It is 1-2 meters tall, with a central corm giving rise to leaves, roots, and smaller cormels.
Genetic Diversity and Conservation
Taro has considerable morphological variation which includes the color, shape, and size of the corm, as well as the leaf and petiole. The greatest variation in taro is in Southeast Asia, Oceania, and India, especially the North Eastern region. More than 200 landraces of taro have been reported in India. These grow in varied environments like homestead gardens, riverine, and forest land. Natural hybridization has resulted in new varieties developed to grow under varying ecological conditions.
In India, the ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Trivandrum, is instrumental in taro genetic improvement. The institute has 429 edible genetic stocks at its headquarters in Trivandrum and 507 at its regional center in Bhubaneswar. Other organizations, such as the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), New Delhi, also have a role in the collection and conservation of taro germplasm.
Harvesting and Yield
Taro corms become ready for harvesting after 6-8 months. They are loosened and lifted gently. Efficient curing increases shelf life, and hence they become more marketable. A well-nourished taro farm can produce around 10-15 tonnes per hectare.
Market Opportunities
There is high market demand for Taro because of its application in traditional foods and processed food businesses. The current market price of Taro is Rs. 30-50/kg. Farmers can consider marketing fresh produce at local markets or value-added products such as taro chips and flour for enhanced profitability.
(Fluctuation of price can happen according to region, season, and availability)*
Taro farming offers a sustainable and profitable agricultural opportunity, providing high yields and stable incomes with proper management. By adopting improved cultivation techniques and exploring new market avenues, it can significantly enhance rural livelihoods and promote long-term agricultural sustainability.