In this era, we are surrounded by Buildings, Malls, Hotels, Offices, and whatnot. All this has given us an easy, comfortable, and modern lifestyle. But greenery is what we all actually miss. And in this busy life, it’s really difficult to manage some time to go to the park or garden. In all of these congested lanes, pollution, and all, the place which we feel most comfortable is our own home.
And, what if we can create a small garden on our own terrace? Excited?
I know, all of you must have heard about terrace gardening, but in this article, we will give you all the necessary information about it and a step-by-step guide to terrace gardening.
So, let us proceed to make greenery a part of your daily life, and connect more closely to the plants and vegetables which are really important part of our life...
What are the Requirements?
To set up your own terrace garden is neither a very much difficult task nor luxurious. To start with, you will just need some plants, seeds, and other gardening essentials including pots, the right kind of soil, natural manure, which are easily available at any nearby nursery or online store, and you can also include cow-dung to keep it all-natural and organic. And along with this, one more important thing you will need is a positive mindset.
Layout Planning:
Firstly, think about the proper layout, how would you arrange the plants. You can start by drawing it on paper. And, the arrangement should be proper according to the drainage system. And, don’t forget about the type of plants that can be placed in a sunny area and which plants need to be placed in shadow, and design accordingly.
Be Prepared to Get Dirty:
While dealing with gardening, it’s obvious that you can get muck around in the mud, water, and manure, so don’t feel bad if you are slightly dirty. And, dealing with soil is therapeutic too and is good for health, as it can help relieve stress and feel refreshed.

Pots and Soil:
Regular garden soil is good but the good quality potting mixture can be more nutritious for your vegetable plants and their health, so prefer an organic mixture of soil with vermicompost instead of any chemicals as they can affect good bacteria also. And for planting containers, you can use plastic bottles, recycled plastic planters, fiber planters, or mud pots, or you can also use grow bags.
Get Ready to Deal with Insects & Pests:
Where there are plants, pests also find their way. But don’t get disheartened, you can deal with them by maintaining proper hygiene of plants by regular cleaning and use of pesticides. You can go for natural pesticides, and you can also go for a homemade pesticide to protect your plants from fungal infections, insects, and diseases.
Regular Watering & Protection from U-V Rays:
Plants are just like small babies, they won’t tell you that they are feeling thirsty, so don’t forget to water them regularly as per the need of different-different plants. And, direct U-V rays can damage the plants, so you can cover them with a garden net.
Decoration & Your Time:
You can decorate your garden with some accessories like decorative pots, pebbles, small lanterns, etc. This will make your terrace garden more beautiful. And you can also place a chair in your terrace garden. And last but not the least point, take some time to spend with your plants and their care. It will make both you, and your plants happy.
So, make this small change in your life to make it a quality life, connect with nature, and in return, it will give you immense happiness. And yes… how can I forget, it will give you organic vegetables and flowers too…!!
Now that you are mentally prepared, just go for it…
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