Guava is a fruit grown in the tropical and subtropical regions of our country. Its tree has a hardy nature and has prolific fruit bearing capacity in almost all sorts of soil. The demand for guava is ever rising in the domestic as well as international markets.
Present Scenario:
Guava is currently being exported to over 30 countries all over the world. Major guava producing countries include India, Brazil, South Africa, Jamaica, Egypt, Thailand among many others. In India, major guava producing states include Maharashtra, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Gujrat, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Out of all the states, Maharashtra is the leading producer of Guava both quantity wise as well as area.
Commercial and enhanced varieties of Guava:
Allahabad Safeda along with Sardar shares the major share in the guava industry of India. Both varieties show impeccable quality, high yielding capacity and are widely accepted all over the world. Slowly comming up is the “Lalit” variety and the area of production for this variety has immensely increased in the recent past covering areas in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
Other major varieties include Shweta, Dhareedar, ArkaAmulya, Safed Jam etc.

Major varieties of Guava in detail:
- Allahabad Safeda:
Allahabad Safeda is the most famous and demanded variety of all the available guava varieties. It is used for both table and processing purposes. The tree for this variety grows tall and has an upright growing tendency. Also this variety tree bears a lot of fruits in its long shoots covered in dense foliage. The crown of the tree is expansive and compact, mostly dome shaped. Allahabad Safeda variety fruit is round in shape and is not very large. The skin of the fruit is very mild and the flesh is white with not many seeds inside it. The smoothness of the skin and less seed offers top notch quality.
- Sardar:
The tree of this variety is lively, spreading and bountiful bearer, weighty fanning type with level crown. Fruits usually are huge and round shaped, primrose yellow skin shading, white fragile flesh and seeds are in bounty and harder than that of allahabad safeda.
- Lalit:
It is a high yielding pink fleshed guava assortment delivered by Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow for business development in guava developing zones of the nation. Fruits are of saffron yellow shading with red tinge weighing between 175 to 210 grams.. Its tissue is firm and pink with a decent mix of sugar and acid. It is reasonable for both table and processing purposes. The jam produced using this assortment has better flavor and appealing appearance.
- Shweta:
The assortment as of late created by Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow is appropriate for business development. Tree is semi incredible with medium stature and is a productive carrier. It is an assortment with medium size spherical fruits, velvety white skin with red spots and nearly-white flesh. Fruits are appealing and highly nutritious.
- Allahabad Surkha:
It is a remarkable variety of enormous size with pink colour and has pulpy pink flesh. The plants produce up to 120 kg organic products in the 6th year of fruiting. Trees are lively, dome shaped and compact. The organic product is sweet and unequivocally enhanced with a couple of seeds.