Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a crucial crop in India, widely cultivated across the country and playing a vital role in the agricultural economy. It is not only an indispensable ingredient in Indian cuisine but also prized for its numerous medicinal benefits, including its ability to lower cholesterol, enhance immunity, and serve as a natural antibiotic. Given the growing demand for high-quality garlic, continuous efforts are being made to develop new varieties that improve productivity and disease resistance.
One such promising variety is Yamuna Purple-10 (G-404), which has been tested and recommended for cultivation in diverse agro-climatic zones of India, offering hope for better yields and improved quality.
Characteristics of Yamuna Purple-10
Yamuna Purple-10 is a high-yielding variety, It is developed through clonal selection. It has been recommended for cultivation in Zone-II (Jammu, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, and Rajasthan) and Zone-IV (Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, and Maharashtra). The plant has dark green, broad, and erect leaves. The height can reach up to 90-95 cm and each plant produces 8-10 leaves. The bulbs are compact and globular.
The color of the bulbs is purplish-white and measure 4.8-5.5 cm in diameter. Each bulb consists of 24-28 bold cloves. The variety has a good dry matter content (41-42%). It has high pyruvic acid levels (34.61 micro mol/g) which enhances its pungency and flavor.
Cultivation and Management
Yamuna Purple-10 must be planted from 15-30 October for maximum performance. The crop takes around 165-175 days to mature. The soil should be well prepared with high organic matter for maximum growth. The farmer before sowing must broadcast the farm with well-rotted farmyard manure (20 tonnes/ha) or vermicompost (5 tonnes/ha).
The fertilizer dose recommended is 120 kg nitrogen, 50-80 kg phosphorus, 50-60 kg potassium, and 30 kg sulfur per hectare. Foliar sprays of 1% 19N:19P:19K at 30, 45, and 60 days after planting, and 13N:46P at 75, 90, and 105 days after planting. It improves yield and bulb quality. Micronutrients like zinc, boron, and sulfur improve productivity.
Irrigation and Weed Management
Garlic develops a shallow root system so watering is highly important for growth. Drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation on the bed are highly effective in providing even moisture distribution. Weed control is also an important part of garlic cultivation.
Application of Oxyfluorfen (@ 0.25 kg a.i./ha) in combination with one-hand weeding 45 days after plantings should be done. It is effective in controlling broadleaf weeds and minimizing competition with the crop for plant nutrients.
Disease Resistance and Harvesting
Yamuna Purple-10 ensures a healthier crop with fewer losses. It has excellent tolerance to common garlic diseases like purple blotch and Stemphylium blight. The crop is ready to be harvested When the leaves begin to turn yellow and roughly half of the plants show signs of neck fall. Proper drying and curing of the bulbs after harvesting is crucial for preserving quality and increasing shelf life.
Yield and Market Potential
The yield of Yamuna Purple-10 bulb is 18-20 tonnes per hectare. it is a highly profitable variety for farmers. Because of its large bulb size, purple color, and storage quality, it has very bright prospects in domestic and export markets. The variety is suitable for table use and for processing industries. The market price is around Rs. 250-300/kg.
(Price fluctuation can happen as per the region, season, and adaptability)*
Yamuna Purple-10 is a high-yield, disease-resistant garlic variety ideal for farmers seeking improved productivity and quality. Its adaptability to varying climates ensures stable growth, while good cultivation practices maximize returns. With growing demand for premium garlic, it is crucial for boosting India's production.