world pulses day
Author: Shruti Kandwal

Why do we celebrate World Pulses Day? 

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edible pulses

Pulses, also known as legumes, are the edible seeds of leguminous plants cultivated for food.

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pulses day February 10

Every year, World Pulses Day is commemorated on February 10

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pulses theme 2023

The theme for the 2023 celebration is “Pulses for a Sustainable Future”

This yearly global event was designated by the UN in 2018 to recognize the significance and nutritional benefits of pulses.

UN believes pulses can help in achieving global food security, improved human health, and soil health.

Pulses helps in reducing dependence on synthetic fertilizers.

Pulses create economic stability for farmers as they can both sell and consume them.

Due to low water requirements, pulses can be grown in water-scarce environments and can tolerate drought & climate disasters.

This nutrient-packed crop is an ideal source of protein in regions where meat and dairy are not economically accessible.

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Pulses are often quoted among the top high-fibre foods, especially for reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

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Pulses are naturally gluten-free. This makes them an ideal option for coeliacs

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