The Alpine is a domestic goat and popular for its milk production. They are medium to large sized goat breed with horns and erect ears. The milk of Alpine goat is a good source of calcium, niacin and vitamin A.
This breed is quite popular in European and American countries. Moreover their domestication is preferred for small-scale and commercial production.
Alpine goat farming is considered good and profitable business as it has ability to produce 4 liters of milk daily.
Benefits of Alpine Farming
There are many advantages of Alpine goat farming some of them are mentioned below:
These goats require very less space as compared to other breeds and animals. Goat can adapt to different climatic conditions and environments. They have less need for housing.
One of the main advantages of goat farming is that there are many different breeds of goats. Different breed have their own advantages, like some are good in milk production and some provide good meat. Boer, Black, Bengal, Sirohi, etc. are known for their meat quality while Saanen, Toggenburg, Anglo Nubian and Jamunapari for high milk production.
On the other hand Angora and Cashmere goats are ideal for fiber or mohair production. We can choose any of the variety according to our business goals.
Goats are usually raised for different purpose but many people also raise goats as pets in their home. Goat manure is also very good and can be used as organic fertilizer in
Goats usually need less food due to their smaller size. There are also goat breeds that can survive with very less
Alpine goat gives 1 to 3 kids at a time and birth of twinning is common.
For ideal growth and development of Alpine goat the ideal food is hay, CO-3, CO-4, corn silage, legumes and many other varieties of green grasses. They can also eat jack leaves and coconut oil cakes. These goats can survive in both open grazing and stall-fed.
One big disadvantage of Alpine goat farming is that these goats very energetic and can easily cross the fences. Therefore it is recommended to tie them with something.
Alpine Goat Types
American Alpine goat: The American Alpine goat is the crossbreeding of American or French alpine. It is the largest goat breed in the United States. Compared with the original French Alpine, American Alpine is stronger, tougher, friendlier and more productive, making them ideal for family and commercial farming.
French Alpine goat: France is the origin of all Alpine goats. Currently in French, they are also called "Alpine Polychrome", which means various colors. Like other Alpine breeds, French Alpines are also very hardy and prolific, suitable for family and commercial goat farming businesses.
British Alpine Goat: British Alpine are black and white like Toggs. They come from the Gleason goat breed in Switzerland. They are very popular varieties in milk production.
Alpine Goat Price:
Alpine goat price depends upon many factors like age, region and season. Cost of original breed is comparatively higher than cross bred with local goats. It is affordable if the goats are bought in flocks at local markets or from professional breeding centers.
Male goat price in India: Rs.300/kg
Female goat price in India: Rs.275/kg
Goat kids of I year or less in age: Rs.320/kg