In Indian villages, raising animals is a thriving business nowadays. The rearing of cows, buffalo, and goats brings in high revenues for the local farmers. The majority of families prefer raising cows as compared to other animals because of the huge milk demand that contains important vitamins and minerals.
Cow milk contains calcium, which helps maintain bone strength. Moreover, the milk obtained can also be turned into a variety of dairy products which helps increase profitability.
Which Cow Breeds is Best?
Which breed of cow should be kept so that milk output rises are the largest issue facing farmers. They should also make a good profit in addition to this. Here are the best breeds to make cow rearing a profitable business:
Sahiwal Cow
Sahiwal which originated from Montgomery district in Pakistan is now found in various parts of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, and Uttar Pradesh. It is considered to be the best -Zebu milch breed.
The animal is generally dull in colour. Some may be pale red, dark brown or even blackish while others may have spots or large white areas. They have a symmetrical body, broad head, long deep lethargic & heavy constitution. The skin is fine with stumpy horns. Because of the heavy dewlap, the animal is also known as 'Lola'. The average weight of its males is about 522 kg and that of females is 340 kg.
Gir Cow
This cow, which is native to Gujarat, has large ears and horns that are curved backward from the forehead. They have blotchy colors. In favorable climatic conditions, a typical Gir cow produces between 10 and 15 liters per day. In Gujarat, the state where it was born, it might even produce more high capacity for milk production. A-2 beta-casein protein component is another factor that contributes to the perception of cow milk as being of the highest quality.
Red Sindhi
This cow is of deep red color, with a large face and thick, short horns. Their udders are longer than those of all other cow breeds. The cows produce between 1100 and 2600 kg of milk per lactation, with an average production of 1840 kg. With an average of 4.5 percent, milk's fat content ranges from 4 to 5.2 percent.
The Tharparkar district of Hyderabad, India, is where this breed originated, and cattle are now mostly found in Sind, Amarkot, Naukot, Dhoro Naro, and Chor. Up to the Kutch deserts in West India, Marwar in the east, and the Palampur region of North Bombay, the territory is included.
The animals are small, deep built, and of modest size. sturdy, parallel limbs. Strong, well-balanced body with a broad poll, slightly convex forehead, and medium-sized horns. Dewlaps with a modest development and a straight, average-length back.
Bulls are useful for plow work and transport. 1474 kg of milk is produced on average in a village setting.
The arid areas of Rajasthan are home to the important milch breed of cattle known as the Rathi. It is thought that Red Sindhi, Sahiwal, Dhanni, and Tharparkar cattle with a predominance of Sahiwal blood are the ancestors of Rathi cattle. The cow’s milk well and effectively. They produce 1560 kg of milk on average. The range of lactation milk yield is 1062 to 2810 kg.