Dr SK Uppal Dean, Post Graduate Studies and Programme coordinator, GADVASU, Punjab said, “In near future apart from advanced clinical care, the facility for parentage determination in dogs will be available at GADVASU that will help to study lineage in dogs using DNA Finger Printing Technique.”
The progress of their research work was presented by scientists from various institutes like State Veterinary Universities of Tamil Nadu, Assam and Karnataka, IVRI, and IIT Indore participated in this meeting. “Areas that will be covered are Canine nutrition, multivalent vaccine delivery system, Diagnostics and biomarkers for Canine distemper, Tuberculosis, Leptospirosis; Development of and implants for canine arthropathies, novel suture materials, Development of biomaterials for root canal treatment and crown therapy in dogs, said Dr A S Nanda, Vice-Chancellor.

Adding to it, scientists are also working on developing a portable acoustic sensor based canine pregnancy detection system and Semen cryopreservation. Dr. Nanda mentioned, “It's time to devise novel strategies for controlling stray dog population & it is a great opportunity and challenge for Vet Varsity to undertake such public friendly research.”
Dr JPS Gill, Director of Research and Project Coordinator informed, for this purpose DBT was granted 10.3 crore funds for DBT GADVASU Canine Research Centre which includes, 11 In-house R&D projects and 3 projects to establish facilities and services and 3 Network Projects. Being a Project Monitoring Unit of the Canine Research Center, GADVASU’s total grant for projects is 7.6 crore.
The progress of ongoing DBT GADVASU Canine Research Centre and Networks project is being reviewed by a high level expert committee from Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, comprising Advisors to DBT Dr. S R Rao, Dr. A K Rawat and eminent scientists Dr. H V Batra, DRDE Gwalior, Dr. Gaya Prasad, Vice Chancellor, Meerut Agriculture University, Dr. RK Singh, Director, IVRI and Brig. Devendar Kumar, RVC and Indian Army visited Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana (GADVASU).