Duck farming is gaining popularity in rural West Bengal due to the increasing demand for ducklings. However, the main challenge lies in the limited availability of quality ducklings, as few producers are involved in duckling production. To address this, rural youth have begun using low-cost incubators to hatch duck eggs, ensuring a steady supply of ducklings and creating a profitable business opportunity.
The process involves carefully hatching the eggs, brooding the ducklings, and managing their care and nutrition to maximize their survival rate and overall health. This innovative approach is helping to meet demand and boost the local economy.
Duckling Production Process
Procurement and Storage of Hatchable Eggs Most rural youth involved in duckling production do not maintain parental duck stock. Instead, they procure hatchable eggs from nearby farms specializing in egg production. Eggs are purchased at about Rs. 13-14 each and stored in cool, dark rooms before incubation, even though ideal temperature and humidity conditions are not strictly maintained.
Incubation The duck eggs should be incubated for 28 days. The eggs should be kept at the required temperature and humidity levels and turned by hand at least four times daily. The hatch rate From 1200 eggs incubated would be expected to be 85-87% with about 1020-1050 ducklings hatched.
Brooding The brooding period lasts up to four weeks. Ducklings' survival rate depends much on proper care and management. Mortality should be kept to a minimum. Ducklings are kept in a space of about 10 square meters per 1000 birds, with the temperature maintained between 29-32°C in the first week, which should be gradually reduced to 24°C by the fourth week. Increased air circulation during hot months helps lower the temperature, while in colder months, a 60-watt bulb provides sufficient warmth. Small trays are used for the beginning of feeding, which gradually progresses to trough feeders, which should have the combination of commercial duck starter feed and locally available low-cost options like rice husk and broken rice.
Vaccination It is crucial among poultry to get vaccinated that is why against duck plague as it is advised for ducklings at 2-3 weeks of age to use vaccines that can be obtained from government agencies or the local markets. Mortality rates are controlled low with proper management thus allowing about 1000 ducklings to survive until the marketing stage.
Market Pricing and Profit Potential for Ducklings
Effective marketing is essential for the success of Duckling Production Ventures. Ducklings are usually sold after the brooding period, which lasts up to four weeks. The market price for ducklings differs with age; four-week-old ducklings are generally sold at prices between Rs.60 to Rs.70 per bird.
Producers should keep their ducklings in good quality by maintaining proper brooding and health management practices to increase their profit. Other ways to enhance the profit include establishing a reliable distribution channel and building relations with local farmers and vendors, which also ensures better prices and the venture's sustainability.
Economic Viability of Duckling Production
According to the hatching of 1200 duck eggs, an economic study of this business shows a gross expenditure of Rs.47,750, which includes costs for eggs, incubation, vaccination, feeding, and other expenses. A net income of Rs 20,250 for each batch is obtained by selling 1000 ducklings at an average price of Rs. 65 per bird, which brings the gross income to Rs. 65,000. The business may make 8 batches throughout a year over Rs. 1.62 lakh in revenue annually, which is on a monthly basis to roughly Rs. 13,500 each month.
The breeding of ducklings is an opportunity that may become a lucrative activity for rural youths due to cheap incubation and will thus afford year-round employment with stable returns. Proper management and maintenance would be enough for the venture to significantly impact the entrepreneurship and development of rural communities. The venture enhances both self-sufficiency and the rural community's economic stability because of the utilization of the resources in a region and the engagement of family labor.