Desi Buffalo Breed from Dharwad in Karnataka has got a national recognition. It is the first breed of buffalo from Karnataka to have got this recognition by ICAR – National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR).
Accession Code & Research on Dharwad Breed
This indigenous variety of buffalo now has an accession code number – "INDIA_BUFFALO_0800_DHARWADI_01018". Now, this code will be used for further research & study on this breed. Dharwadi is the 17th recognized native buffalo breed of the country. The breed will be identified worldwide with this code for study, research or any other purpose.
The National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources in Haryana gives this recognition after extensive research on the said breed. The department of veterinary Sciences at the University of Agriculture Sciences, Dharwad played an important role in getting this breed recognized globally.
The department under the leadership of Dr Vishwanath Kulkarni conducted extensive research on the breed from 2014 to 2017 and submitted the report to the NBAGR. The size of the Buffalo, shape, characteristics, milk production & breeding capacity along with a detailed DNA analysis of the breed was done here.
About Dharwadi Breed of Buffalo:
The half-moon-shaped horns with pitch-black colored skin are noticed to be very common traits in this breed. Dharwadi buffalo is capable of yielding 980 liters of milk in one cycle for around 335 days. This milk has 7% fat & 9.5% non-fat soluble components.
This buffalo is spread over 14 other districts. Several families have reared this breed and make living out of its milk & milk products for generations.
There is a lot of potential for the export of milk products. Dharwad is also famous for its mouth-watering sweet – Peda and the reason behind its unique taste is said to be the Desi cattle breeds reared in the region. People of this area feel the national recognition will bring several benefits for the buffalo and the people, who rear them.