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Pig Farming: Farmers in Nagaland Earning Lakhs Every Year With the Help of ‘Rani Pig’

Rani Pig is basically a cross of Hampshire & Gunghroo Pig developed at the ICAR-NRC on Pig

Abha Toppo
pig farming
Pig farming has become a profitable occupation at present

In India, the per capita consumption of Pork is highest in Nagaland. In Nagaland, the tribals’ like to eat homegrown fresh Pork. In addition, there is a cultural preference for black pigs.

The pig farming is intermingled with socio-cultural practices of Nagas’. There is an annual demand of about 60000 metric tonnes of pork. But the state’s own production is around 30000 tonnes. Therefore, the state is deficit by almost 50 percent. This demand and supply gap is further increasing due to increase in human population & decrease in pig population of Nagaland. It imports live pigs from Punjab, Haryana & southern states.

To deal with the problem of low productivity of Pig production in Nagaland, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Delhi launched the ICAR-Mega Seed Project on Pig at ICAR-Research Complex for North-Eastern Hill Region, Nagaland Centre, Medziphema since 2009.

Pig production with Rani Pig

In this Project, the technology of Pig production with Rani Pig was standardized and developed at the Centre. The Rani Pig is basically a cross of Hampshire & Gunghroo Pig developed at the ICAR-NRC on Pig. In Nagaland, Rani Pig has an average daily body weight gain of 280 - 350 gms. The sexual maturity age is 7 - 10 Months. In a well managed farm, Rani Pig farrows twice a Year. Thus, it produces 16 - 24 Piglets in annually. The lifetime productivity (in 5 Years) is 80 - 120 Piglets.

The ICAR-Research Complex for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre is continuously trying to boost the pig production system in Nagaland on a sustainable basis. Under the Mega Seed Project on Pig, the Centre has given 6,500 improved germplasm of Pigs to the different stakeholders. 

In addition, the Centre has trained around 1,000 people in modern Pig production technologies. It has also provided handholding to the Young Entrepreneurs in Pig Farming to promote Pig Breeding.

Seve Vadeo, a Young Entrepreneur from Chakesang Tribe in Seithekema came visited the ICAR-Research Complex for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre in 2017 with his plan of setting a Pig Fattener Unit. The Centre gave him training on scientific modern Pig farming with emphasis on Pig Breeding. The Centre also provided him with the Rani Female Piglets. He got training on Artificial Insemination (AI) in Pig & keeps Male Piglets for fattening. He breeds all his animals by Artificial Insemination. By stocking the farm with Piglets selected from his own farm, he sells-off the other Piglets.

Yearly income from pig farming

He is now making profit from Piglet sales, culling of sows & sale of fattened hogs. He sells 250 - 300 Piglets in a year and supplies the Piglets to Phek District at the rate of Rs. 7,000/- to Rs. 8,000/-. From 2017 till now, he has sold around 1,000 Piglets and 250 Piglets were reared in his farm for sows or fattening. He earns Rs. 3.5 to 4 Lakhs yearly from his Pig Farm.

Source: ICAR

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