College of Dairy Science and Technology, (CODST) Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (GADVASU), Ludhiana celebrated World Milk Day on 1st June with the theme “Sustainability in Dairy Sector- Environment, Nutrition and Socio-Economics”.
Vice Chancellor of GADVASU, Dr. Inderjeet Singh was chief guest of this function and Dr. H S Banga, Registrar was guest of honor. Dr. Singh applauded the initiative taken by the college in creating the awareness among people about the quality and nutritive value of the milk. He highlighted the significance of World Milk Day and relevance of milk in our daily life. He told that Punjab has highest per capita milk availability of 1181 g per day among all other states in the country and praised the role played by cooperative sector in helping dairy farmers during Covid-19. He also expressed his concern over lesser consumption levels of milk products as compared to liquid milk.
Dean, CODST, Dr. Ramneek said that in the context of World Milk Day, many events were arranged in the last week viz. competitions on e-poster, essay writing & e-quiz competition. The objective of these competitions was to create a sense of awareness as well as competitiveness among the students.
Prizes were also given to the winners of various competitions. Manu Shukla, Shreya Talan & Anuragdeep Kaur got first prize in essay, quiz & poster competitions respectively. In addition, a free ‘milk adulteration testing camp’ was also arranged where about 100 milk samples of consumers were tested. A majority (83 percent) of milk samples were brought by people who purchase milk from milk vendors or milk producers. Out of 100 samples, 14 were found to be adulterated.
10 video films made by the college faculty on different topics of milk and a new dairy product, 'Blueberry Yoghurt' having high protein & low fat was also launched by the Vice-Chancellor.
To make the day memorable, a special edition of 'Vigiyanak Pashu Palan' magazine of the university dedicated to dairy was also published by the Directorate of Extension Education. All Deans, Directors, faculty & students took part the event – online as well as offline mode.