India being one of the largest agrarian economies has a deep connection with dairy farming since the past, which contributes 4% of its total GDP. Moreover, the dairy industry actively contributes to the economies of a number of communities, regions, and countries.
History is the evidence that dairy farming has played the most significant and vital role which determines the prosperity and wealth of our nation. The center has introduced various schemes to develop dairy farming and India’s dairy sector whose demand is growing throughout the year.
The most important thing is that while earning in the dairy business is very high, but it also involves a lot of hard work. The contribution of dairy in our country is more than 28 percent of the total in the agricultural economy. There is a turnover of about 8 lakh crore rupees, as much as the milk of rupees is, the business is done by mixing grains and pulses. Also, both private and cooperative are working in this sector. In such a situation, if you want to start a business, then the dairy product business can be a good option.
There are many types of businesses in the dairy sector. In this, you can start a dairy product business or you can earn a good amount by supplying cow's milk and its buffalo milk. In such a situation, if you do not want to raise cow-buffalo and want to start a dairy business, then there is an option for you. In this situation you can open a milk collection center and send money to milk companies. In such a situation, there are some special things related to this business. Let’s know what this important thing is…..
What You exactly Need to Do?
Every milk company collects milk from cattle ranchers before different villages. After the milk is collected from place to place, it reaches the plant of the companies. This work is done through the whole process, in which milk is first collected at the village level and then it is sent from one place to another city or plant. In such a situation, you can open a milk collection. You can grab the opportunity of being the middle man between these two parties.
The job of the collection center is that they collect milk from every village and then send it to the plant. Many collection centers collect milk from cattle ranchers themselves, while in many places people come to collect milk at the collection centers themselves. In such a situation, it is the job of the collection center that it check the fat of milk and store it in a separate container, and then send it to the milk company.
How do You Need to start?
For this, you do not need to invest much money. For this, you have to first contract with a milk company and then collect milk from house to house. This work is done by the cooperative association, in which the first few people form a committee. Then a collection center is found in some villages and they are given money from the dairy company itself.
How the rate of milk is decided
The problem of not getting the right milk rate is common. Actually, based on the fat and solids (not-fat) present in milk, its price is fixed. The price that co-operative milk determines is 6.5 percent fat and 9.5 percent SNF. After this, the price decreases as the number of fat decreases.
How to Avail Loan for Dairy?
Apart from the Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS) of the Central Government, the State Governments are also running their development programs at their respective levels. Of which there is a subsidy ranging from 25 to 90 percent. The central government provides help for animal husbandry through NABARD.
Under the Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme, an animal gets a subsidy of Rs 17,750. Whereas for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Castes this amount becomes Rs.23,300 per animal. There is also money for a milk product-making machine. However, through this, you can start your business by buying cow-buffalo.