Mango holds significant importance as a fruit crop in India and is often referred to as the 'King of Fruits'. India is a major mango-growing country that contributes nearly 42 percent of the world’s production.
After 4-7 years of growth, mango trees typically reach maturity and enter the flowering stage. The mango flowering season typically begins between December and February. And, the initiation of fruit development varies from January to May, depending on when flowering occurs.
In Northern parts of India, mango flowering happens from February to March, and some orchard plants may flower as early as December or January too. In South India, flowering occurs from January to February. Flowering on one tree can last for approximately a month because of differences in shoot maturity.
Why Mango Shines in 2024
Climate plays a huge role in the flowering and fruit setting of mango crops. As per the recent summer forecast from the India Meteorological Department (IMD), there are expectations of extended periods of intense heat waves, possibly enduring for 10 to 20 days, in contrast to the usual duration of two to four days. Extended periods of above-normal heatwave conditions are expected across most of the southern peninsula, central India, eastern India, and the plains of northwest India.
On a brighter note, India foresees a rise in overall mango production. Due to favorable weather conditions, mango flowering is nearing its completion. With this, pollination is normal, and fruit setting has already begun. Mango traders and farmers in South India also reported a rise in the area under mango production. South India accounts for 45 to 50 percent of the nation's total mango production. Finally, during heatwaves, farmers must monitor soil moisture levels to assess the overall productivity of mangoes.