“May your fields be blessed with morning dew,
Each sunrise brings promise anew.
Smart sensors guard your precious land,
While drones map harvests, close at hand.
Your tractors run on cleaner power,
Precision farming, nature's tower.
Carbon captured in fertile ground,
Where sustainable practices abound.
May your crops grow strong and true,
Nourishing millions, through and through.
Ancient wisdom meets modern ways,
To feed our world on brighter days.
Let the weather be kind, markets be fair,
Your barns overflow with produce rare.
May solar panels light your farm,
And keep your family safe from harm.
Here's to reduced waste and water saved,
To healthier soils and paths well-paved.
May your income grow like springtime shoots,
Deep and strong, like ancient roots.
Through every season, rain or shine,
May innovation help you shine.
For in your hands, our future grows,
More bountiful than anyone knows.
To those who tend Earth's fertile ground,
As New Year's bells begin to sound—
We honour every seed you've sown,
Each crop that you have watched and grown.
Happy New Year to you who feed
Our world with every planted seed.
May twenty-twenty-five bring more
Then all the years that came before.”
-By Ajay Bhartiya