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Top 5 Government Schemes For Girls In India And Their Benefits

Good education is important for all whether boys or girls. The union government has a few national schemes to promote girls' education by providing good financial schemes and aid so that they do not become a financial burden on their families.

Shikha Parewa
Girls sitting in the school
Girls sitting in the school

Education is the foundation upon which we build our future says, Christine Gregoire

Good education is important for all whether boys or girls. The union government has a few national schemes to promote girls' education by providing good financial schemes and aid so that they do not become a financial burden on their families. In this article, we have discussed 5 government schemes for girls that will help them to strengthen their future. 

Best Government Schemes for Girls

Check out the government schemes for your girl child;

Sukanya Samridhhi Yojana: 

  • It is a union government’s financial scheme. Under this scheme, one can open Sukanya Samriddhi Account in a bank or in the Indian Post Office. The form can be found online. 

  • The account should be opened in the name of a girl child by her natural or legal guardian from the time she is born until she reaches the age of ten. 

  • A minimum deposit of Rs.1000 is required to open an account, with a maximum limit of Rs.1,50,000 per financial year.

  • The scheme's interest rate is 7.60 percent per year, compounded annually. As a result, the funds will be used for further education of the girl child in the future.

 Balika Saridhhi Yojana 

  • The Balika Samridhi Yojana provides a cash reward of Rs.500 to the mother upon the birth of a daughter, as well as an annual scholarship for the child's education.

  • Families in rural areas who fall below the poverty line as defined by the SwarnajayantiGram Swarozgar Yojana will be eligible for benefits.  

  • Students in classes 1 to 3 will receive Rs.300, while students in classes 4 and 5 will receive Rs.500 and Rs.600, respectively. Students in classes 6 to 7 will receive Rs.700, students in classes 8 and 9 will receive Rs.800, and female students in classes 9 and 10 will receive Rs.1000. 

  • This programme aims to benefit female students throughout their school years and to promote education for all. Any financial constraints should not prevent them from receiving a good education, at least until secondary school. 

Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao 

  • One of the government's most ambitious schemes is Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao. The union government implemented this program after the Child Sex Ratio (CSR) decreased insignificantly in the last census.  

  • According to the government, a drop in CSR reflects both pre-birth discriminations manifested through gender-biased sex selection and post-birth discrimination against girls. As a result, the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao scheme was launched with a two-pronged approach: advocacy and media communication campaigns, as well as multi-sectoral interventions in selected districts.  

  • The key to this scheme is girl child education orientation and sensitization programs.

 National Scheme of Incentive to Girls for Secondary Education 

  • As the name implies, the National Scheme of Incentive to Girls for Secondary Education provides financial assistance to female students aged 14 to 18 who are pursuing secondary education. 

  • Due to family pressures or financial concerns, many girls drop out of school after eighth grade. 

  • To help them cope with their financial difficulties, the government has offered them a fixed deposit of Rs.3,000. (FD).

  • After reaching the age of 18, and passing the class 10 final examination, the girl can withdraw the money plus interest.

Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG) 

  • Another national program, known as the Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG)-'Sabla,' was launched to empower girls aged 11 to 18 through nutrition, health care, and life skills education.

  • Girls and women are more likely than men to be malnourished, according to the union government. To close this gap, the government created these programs, as well as education-related programs for female students. 

  • Supplementary Nutrition, which includes enough calories, protein, and micronutrients per day for 300 days a year, as well as health check-ups and referral services, is provided to the girls.

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