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Govt. invites comments conforming CIB&RC as lndian Authority Controlling Registration/ Regulatory Affairs concerning pesticides used in agriculture, public health to facilitate Exports

Considering a request from the Pesticides Manufacturers & Formulators Association of India (PMFAI), the Secretariat of the Central Insecticides Board & Registration Committee (CIB&RC) issued a Public Notice for inviting comments on a draft uploaded for declaring CIB&RC as a National Authority for controlling regulatory compliance of pesticides.

Vipin Saini
Use of Pesticides in Agriculture

The Sect. CIB&RC on Dec. 21st uploaded a draft circular to declare the CIB&RC as the country’s National Authority Controlling Registration/Regulatory Affairs for pesticides in agriculture and public health. This is looked upon to facilitate export of pesticides. On a request by PMFAI, the Registration Committee in its 423rd meeting considered PMFAIs request and decided to float a public notice on the same inviting comments. Comments are invited within a period of 30 days. 

The draft can be downloaded from;


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