Under the GOI initiative for promoting ‘Make in India’, the pesticide sector is on its move yet again. Recently the regulatory authority for registering pesticides, the Registration Committee granted approvals for much needed pesticides for crop protection in the country. The very aim to manufacture the technical grade pesticides under section 9(3) of the Insecticides Act 1968 and Insecticides Rules 1971 is commendable.
The following companies were granted registration to indigenous manufacture of technical u/s 9(3):
M/s Natco Pharma Ltd. and M/s Best Crop Science LLP: Chlorantraniliprole Technical
M/s UPL Ltd and Crystal Crop Protection Ltd. : Flonicamid technical.
M/s Insecticide India Ltd. : Tembotrione Technical
M/s Best Crop Science LLP : Oxyfluorfen Technical
M/s Bhagiradha Chemicals & Industries Ltd., Azoxystrobin Technical
M/s UPL Ltd.: Clomazone Technical
These indigenous manufacture approvals are likely to benefit the SME & MSME sector involved in formulating these technical for domestic and export consumption.
Further, some companies have been granted for indigenous manufacturing of novel pesticide formulations, wherein their use is expected to cover a range of crops and their pests.
M/s ADAMA India Pvt. Ltd., has been granted registration for indigenous manufacture of Prochloraz 34.8% + Propiconazole 7.8% EC. The formulated combination pesticide has been approved on Rice against grain discolouration and on Groundnut against early leaf spot, late leaf spot and rust. This combination pesticide bears a cautionary statement i.e. “this product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment and thus should be avoided during active foraging period of bees and toxic to aquatic invertebrates” AND “Suspected of damaging the unborn child and may damage fertility”.
M/s P I Industries Ltd., has been granted registration for indigenous manufacture of Dinotefuran 4% + Acephate 50% SG. This combination pesticide has been granted approval for the control of Brown Plant Hopper and White Backed Plant Hopper in Rice crop and Aphids, Jassids, Thrips and Whitefly in Cotton crop. Its approval comes with a cautionary statement “This product is highly toxic to bees and thus should be avoided during foraging period of bees. The product is slightly toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates”.
M/s FMC India Pvt. Ltd., was granted registration for indigenous manufacture of Clomazone 22.5% + Metribuzin 21% WP. The product is for the control of weeds; Trianthema spp., Amaranthus viridis, Phyllanthus niruri, Brachiaria spp., Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Echinochloa spp., Digitaria spp. and Cynodon dactylon in Sugarcane crop. The MRL of Clomazone, Metribuzin on sugarcane crop is already fixed as 0.05 and 0.01 respectively. It also comes with cautionary statement “The product is low toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment and also highly toxic to aquatic invertebrates”.
M/s Dow Agrosciences India (P) Ltd., too was granted registration for indigenous manufacture of Spinetoram 11.7% SC for controlling of Thirps, Spotted boll worm, tobacco caterpillar & Fruit borer in Cotton, Soybean & Chilly crops. It comes with a cautionary statement that product should not be used near to aquatic habitat and where honey bees are actively foraging. Prolong frequently repeated skin contacts may cause allergic reactions in some individuals.
With these regulatory approvals the availability of quality ad need based pesticides are expected to be beneficial to the Indian farmers.