The US Department of Agriculture has announced that US $ 10 million will be available for competitive grant funding in 2021 Specialty Crop Multi State Program (SCMP). Grants will be awarded to state departments of agriculture to fund collaborative, multi state projects.
The issues that will be addressed under this scheme include food safety, plant pests and disease research, crop specific common issues and marketing and promotion for specialty crops including fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits and horticulture & nursery crops, including floriculture.
The funds are competitively awarded to state departments of agriculture and entities in non participating states within any of the 50 states.
Bruce Summers, Administrator of USDA’s agricultural Marketing Service said that this programme is an important resource to strengthen the competitiveness of USA. By working across the state lines, grant recipients can share resources and collaboratively address challenges for specific crops.
Funding will be available for use in the spring of 2022 with awarded projects with a period of performance of 36 months. Matching funds are not required.
In addition to screening proposals and submitting applications to Agriculture marketing Service (AMS), participating state departments of agriculture will:
Assume administrative responsibility for any application they submit that is selected for funding.
Establish sub grants and contracts with state partners to complete the project
The State departments must partner with the organizations located in at least two different states to qualify. Partner organizations include specialty crop producer associations and groups, state agencies, tribal governments, Universities, Nonprofits and other stakeholder groups and organizations.
The applications must be received before 11:59 pm Eastern Time, December 6, 2021.
About USDA:
The United States Department of Agriculture is a federal executive department responsible for developing and executing federal laws related to farming, forestry, rural economic development and food.
Recently, USDA also released an economic analysis report of bio-based product industry.