In an acre or so of wheat being cultivated in a village named Mangoli Jattan within the district of Kurukshetra of the State of Haryana in India,the occurrence of yellow rusthas been reported by the department of agriculture officials.
Though the wheat disease has been reported to affect on about and acre of cultivated wheat in the village, it may spread across like wild fire if not timely controlled. The District Agriculture APPO has advised farmers to keep a watch on the situation and report immediately to the department in case of any doubt they may have in analysing the spread.

Wheat yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici), also known as wheat stripe rust, is one of the three major wheat rust diseases, along with stem rust of wheat (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici) and leaf rust (Puccinia triticina f.sp. tritici). Yellow rust, or stripe rust, takes its name from the appearance of yellow-colored stripes produced parallel along the venations of each leaf blade.
These yellow stripes are actually characteristic of uredinia that produce yellow-colored urediniospores. Primary hosts of yellow rust of wheat are Triticum aestivum (bread wheat), Triticum turgidum (durum wheat), triticale, and a few Hordeum vulgare (barley) cultivars.
For chemical control of yellow rust in wheat crop in India, it is recommended to use the pesticides (fungicides) approved by the Indian regulatory authority i.e. the Registration Committee under the Insecticides Act that is empowered to register pesticides in accordance to label claims. Information on the same is available: