10th KRISHI DARSHAN EXPO, scheduled to be held from 12-14 March 2022 at Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture Cooperation, NRFMTTI, Hisar, Haryana. This event will attract Manufacturers, Service Providers, Policymakers, Government Departments & Institutes to come together and participate for mutual business benefits.
Why Exhibit?
Company Presentation: You can launch new products with the support of this exhibition. Enhance brand awareness and visibility of your Company.
Boost Your Business: Get a chance to shake hands with industry experts/masters and influential decision-makers, showcase your products, build your brand via diversified activities in an exciting arrangement focused on the latest innovations and market trends. Gain fast and cost-effective access to India’s massive market.
Exposure To New Product: Opportunity to evaluate your product against competitors and also understand their product offerings. You can build your brand and get worldwide exposure.
Interaction with new Technical Experts: Seek out new business opportunities and meet existing clients without visiting multiple States.
Special Agenda: Gain subject matter expertise, network, and innovate new things which are exclusively entailed in our agenda. Each year Krishi Darshan Expo negotiates new partnerships with Associations, Non-Profit Organizations, and Governmental Institutes to attract new potential and high business from India.
Visitor Profile:
Agri Students
End Users
Agri Marketing Brands
Agriculturist & Horticulturist
International Business Delegations
Research Associates & Technologies
Agricultural Departments
Agricultural Trade Counselors
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Heads
Central & State Government Agencies
Universities & Research Institutions
Govt. Delegates & Ministers
Research Associates & Technologies
Dealer & Distributors
Manufacturers Producers & OEM’s
Purchase Heads
Research & Development
Market Agents
Trade Ambassadors
Farm Contractors
Seed Certifying Agencies
Agri Engineering Units
Agri Marketing Brands
Agro-Industry Corporations
Agricultural Building Contractors
For stall booking, sponsorship options & other details, please contact:
Website: https://www.krishidarshanexpo.com/
Date:12-14 March 2022
Agri India Exhibitions
Mobile: +91 9992223115
Email: info@krishidarshanexpo.com
Registration Link: