CII is privileged to have pioneered the governance movement in India since 1995. Working with Regulators in formulating the governance framework, CII continues to propagate good corporate governance practices.
As companies continue to navigate the COVID-19 crisis, CII remains committed to enhancing standards of corporate governance in India by encouraging members to adapt their value-creation plans in the new business landscape.
With a view to safeguard their companies and ensure long-term success, focus on sustainability, stakeholder management, fulfilling investor expectations for greater board engagement, disclosure and transparency, adoption of technology are some of the key focus areas in the governance space.
Against this backdrop, CII is organizing the 15th edition of the annual Corporate Governance Summit on 8 & 9 April 2022 over the virtual mode.
For Other Details, Please Contact:
Event Name: 15th CII Corporate Governance Summit
Website: https://cam.mycii.in/
Date: 08-09 April 2022
Address: Confederation of Indian Industry, India Habitat Centre (IHC)
Core 4A, 4th Floor, Lodi Road
Phone: 24682230–35
Email: [email protected]