International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage (ICID) along with Indian National Committee on Surface Water (INCSW) shall host the 9th International Micro Irrigation Conference of ICID from 16-18 January 2019 in Aurangabad, India. The Theme of the International Conference is ‘’Micro Irrigation in Modern Agriculture”.
The 8th Conference was held in Tehran, Iran back in 2011.
The conference aims and plans to provide a global platform for professionals and exhibitors by showcasing knowledge and technologies from the world over.
A large group of eminent international and national persons and local farmers shall be invited for sharing their experiences in the field of latest development in micro irrigation technology to enhance crop production and water management for optimal use in agriculture, technical and sociological interventions for sustainable water, food and agriculture.
The sub themes for the conference majorly are:
Design, Innovations, and New Techniques for increased Crop Productivity
Micro-irrigation funding & Government support
Micro Irrigation for ‘Cluster Level Farming & Small farm holders’
Operation & Maintenance Services and Capacity Development for the Micro-Irrigation Systems
Event Name: 9th Micro Irrigation Conference
Date: 16-18 January 2019
Venue: Hotel Ambassador Ajanta Aurangabad
Contact on below addresses for stall booking:
INCSW Secretariat
Central Water Commission (CWC)
Room No. 2, First Floor, Wing-4
West Block-1, R K Puram, New Delhi -110066, India
Phone +91-11-29583435 / +91-11-29583284