India is one of the fastest growing economies of the world with promising business opportunities. The Government of India has taken various proactive and business conducive initiatives in the country. Backed by the continuous expansion in the manufacturing sector and increased private and foreign investments.
India’s exports bounced back after Covid. To understand new market, issues and challenges the exporter are facing, ASSOCHAM Southern Region is planning to organize BUSINESS EXPORTER SUMMIT & AWARDS at Chennai on 28th July 2022. This event brings together the top small and medium-sized exporters, trade professionals, and trade assistance providers across Tamil Nadu, providing them with an opportunity to exchange and share best practices and lessons learned that have contributed to their export success.
The Summit will see the forward-thinking CEOs and upper-level management, export executives and entrepreneurs with direct access to shared-learning and high-level networking and opportunities. Attendees will gain insight on powerful tools, techniques, and resources that outstanding exporters from across the country have used to guide export growth and success within their businesses.
Information will be shared that Summit attendees can adapt/adopt within their own business settings to support business growth and development. The Exporter Summit also presents the same networking and shared learning opportunities for international trade assistance providers, prospective exporters, and educators.
For Other Details, Please Contact:
Event Name: ASSOCHAM Business Exporter Summit & Awards 2022- Chennai
Date: 28 July 2022
Address: 4th Floor, YMCA Cultural Centre and Library Building,
01 Jai Singh Road, New Delhi – 110001
Mobile: 9611226411