The CII Certified Professional in Green Supply Chain certificate course has been rigorously crafted to provide a complete grasp of how a sustainable supply chain can significantly improve a corporate entity's overall sustainability.
Greening the supply chain has emerged as critical in today's fast-changing economic landscape, with firms aiming to adopt concepts such as carbon neutrality and zero waste to landfill. This training is an important step toward preparing professionals to face these sustainability challenges and drive their enterprises toward a greener, more sustainable future.
Key Highlights of the Course
Two-Days physical in-person training sessions
Assignments & Final Online Exam
Carbon strategies in greening the supply chain
Importance of Scope 3 emissions in carbon neutrality
Green purchasing fundamentals
Design for Environment DfE
Green packaging
Green transportation
Case studies discussions
Participation certificate will be given to all the participants
For Other Details, Please Contact:
Event Name: Certified Professional in Green Supply Chain
Website: https://krishijagran.com/
Date: 24-25 January 2024
Krishi Jagran
Mobile: 9953756433, 9818838998
Email: info@krishijagran.com